The outpouring of solidarity is organized at the Euromed University of Fez following the earthquake which struck our country

Miscellaneous announcements

The campaign of solidarity and support for the inhabitants of the Al Haouz region continues at the Euromed University of Fez through the reception, today 09/11/2023, of the team from the Regional Transfusion Center Sanguine de Fez and through other humanitarian initiatives.

Following the painful earthquake that our country suffered on the night of Friday September 8, the Euromed University of Fez organized a blood donation campaign to help the victims in the most affected regions. This devastating earthquake caused a terrible number of deaths and injuries, many of whom are in very serious condition and in urgent need of several types of assistance, including medical, psychological and material assistance.

Students, teacher-researchers, administrative and technical staff and senior management, the entire UEMF community mobilized massively to respond to this humanitarian gesture of blood donation. Furthermore, the University participates in the momentum of national solidarity through other solidarity actions which consist of the institutional participation of the UEMF in the special fund for managing the impact of the earthquake in Morocco, the participation of the all University staff, on a voluntary basis, by paying one month or half a month's salary to the said fund and providing assistance to students and staff from disaster areas.

These actions are part of the national momentum initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect and assist him. This exceptional mobilization of solidarity, which was manifested across the four corners of the Kingdom, symbolizes and illustrates the foundations of the Moroccan nation which stood up as one man.

These initiatives are part of the social and civic actions undertaken by the Euromed University of Fez in perfect harmony with the humanitarian values ​​represented in the spirit of social responsibility, sharing and solidarity. 
