Legal Notice

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This website is the official website of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez.

Publication Director :


President of Euromed University of Fez


Host :

Genious Communications

Marrakech (Head Office) - Assif BN 290

Such. : +212 (05) 24 29 87 00

Fax: +212 (05) 24 29 87 49


General secretary :

Abdellatif SAFOUANE


Responsible for the communication :



Director of the information systems :



Photo and video credits:

Euromed University of Fez.


Editorial content and updates:

The information made available on the site is only indicative.

We remind you that the content of the website may contain errors or omissions, and that it may be modified or updated without notice. Euromed University of Fez cannot, in any way, be held responsible for the content of the information appearing on its site or for the consequences that may result from their use or interpretation.

The hypertext links on our website point to other resources on the Internet, therefore the university cannot be held responsible for a third party site reached via our site.


Protection of personal data :

In accordance with Dahir No. 1-09-15 of 22 Safar 1430 promulgating Law No. 09-08 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data: Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully. It will be collected for specific explicit and legitimate purposes, and cannot be subsequently processed in a manner incompatible with said purposes (listed below).

Management of the parent portal;

Newsletter management;

Prospecting management;

Contact management on the website;

Management of international mobility;

Communication during the UEMF conference cycle;

Human Resource Management ;

Schooling management.


They will be kept in a form allowing the identification of the persons concerned for a period not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected and for which they are subsequently processed.

Any data subject may exercise their rights as defined by law 09-08 (access, rectification and opposition) with the UEMF. The request for access to information can be sent by e-mail to the Euromed University of Fez: . No personal information is collected without the knowledge of the person concerned. The purposes of the processing implemented on the Euromed University of Fez site are: the communication of information; managing online forms; contact management. No personal information is transferred to third parties without the user's knowledge. The only recipient of the information transmitted is the Euromed University of Fez.


Copyright and intellectual property:

The entire site is subject to applicable Moroccan and international legislation regarding copyright and more generally intellectual property. All reproduction and representation rights are reserved, including those relating to downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic elements.


Cookies :

A cookie is an element which does not allow the identification of the user of the Site but which records information relating to their navigation on the Site. Any cookies used on this Site are not recorded on the host's hosting server but are only recorded on the user's computer. The user of the Site has the possibility of deactivating cookies by configuring the parameters of his browser software.


Development and technical environment:

The site is developed by the University's communications department and IT department.


Your personal data:

No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
In a logic of respect for private life, the UEMF undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal information is carried out in accordance with Law No. 09-08 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data. No personal information is disclosed to third parties.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 09-08, the UEMF guarantees the user a right of access and rectification, and opposition to personal data concerning them. The user has the possibility to exercise this right by sending an email to the following address:

Contact form :

The personal information communicated to the UEMF via the various contact forms is used only to respond to the user's requests.
They are only accessible to the competent services of the UEMF, are not communicated to any third party and are kept for the time necessary to examine the requests.


Your CVs:

The Curriculum vitae communicated to the UEMF are used exclusively by the Human Resources department for recruitment purposes. They are kept for a period not exceeding two years.