International conference: “Techniques and Environment”

Miscellaneous announcements

The ICESCO-Euromed Chair “Arts, Societies and Civilizations” organized this Thursday, January 25, 2024, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Techniques, Knowledge and Practices (CETCOPRA) of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, a international conference under the theme “Technology and Environment”. 

This meeting was marked by the participation of several Moroccan and international personalities, including Dr. Mohamed ZINELABIDINE, Director of the Culture and Communication Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( ICESCO) as well as a panel of teacher-researchers representing CETCOPRA from the University of Paris 1, notably Pr. Caroline MORICOT, Pr. Aurore KOECHLIN, Pr. Laurence RAINEAU, Pr. Marco SARACENO and Pr. Valérie SOUFFRON. 

A scientific debate which is part of the cultural activities of the “Arts, Societies and Civilizations” Chair and which was an opportunity to explore multidimensional approaches aimed at better responding to crises and emergencies by placing emphasis on social and humanitarian aspects and to discuss the interactions between technological advances and current social, technical, ethical and environmental issues. 

This international conference took place in two sessions of exchange and sharing of enlightening reflections: the first session dealt with the relationship to technology in emergency situations, followed by a second session on techniques and questions of the society.  

The event was also a real opportunity for debates informed by the interventions of the speakers and constructive exchanges between the teacher-researchers and the students of the Euromed University of Fez who attended this conference.
