[Entrepreneurship] Launch of the Blue Space incubator at UEMF: Open call for projects

Miscellaneous announcements

An initiative resulting from a Public Private partnership concluded between the UEMF and Bank of Africa, the BlueSpace incubator is set up in the premises of Euromed University in Fez. 

“BlueSpace” aims to support students and project leaders in realizing their entrepreneurial ambitions. It thus includes two components: an educational banking space dedicated to students and an incubator intended for project leaders participating in the program.

Applications for the call for projects must be submitted before December 19 by


Email via the address bluespace@bankofafrica.ma 


or on the online form available at



The submitted project must respond to a real and clearly defined problem . The goal is to select 50 team(s) or project leaders aged over 18, based in the Fez-Meknes region and wishing to create their business.

Once the project leader is selected, he/she will be able to join the incubator and access a range of tools available to promote their training and support throughout the process of bringing their project to fruition. In this context, he/she will benefit from:  

- An incubation space;

- A complete training cycle within the campus;

- Support for mobilizing partnerships on the one hand, and on the other hand, the necessary financing;

- Technical and methodological support;

- Individualized advisory support from trade experts and professionals;

- Access to the ecosystem of the Entrepreneurship Observatory (ODE);

- A partnership synergy which allows connection with existing support networks, nurseries, etc.

- A “cross-view” between project leaders thanks to collective training and sharing of experiences.

Wishing all our entrepreneurial seeds good luck in their application form!

To find out more about Blue Space by UEMF & Bank of Africa, download the brochure here .

