Meeting with the Swedish Ambassador at the Euromed University of Fez: Strengthening intercultural ties

Conference cycle

The Euromed University of Fez welcomed today, May 23, 2024, a Swedish delegation led by HE Jörgen Karlsson, Ambassador of Sweden to Morocco and the Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa , HE Ambassador Charlotta Sparre who previously served as Ambassador of Sweden to Egypt.

This visit led to a meeting with the students of the University, which was of great importance in terms of the various interventions.
Starting with the opening remarks of HE the Ambassador who highlighted the history of collaborations between Morocco and Sweden since 1762, part of a cooperation aimed at putting the MENA region on a pedestal of intercultural dialogue. HE Madam Ambassador Charlotta SPARRE initiated her speech by focusing on the multilateral vision based on interdependence and inter-connectivity through technological development while having an avant-garde vision centered on human capital, dialogue and communication as being a cardinal element in strengthening ties between the two countries.

Mr. Anoire El Attari, doctoral student at the FSHS and speaker at this conference, highlighted the tumultuous challenges of today's world, marked by a rise in extremism and identity tensions due to globalization, requiring collective mobilization. Mr. Othman Sqalli Houssaini, doctoral student at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, highlighted the major role of Morocco in Africa thanks to its South-South cooperation with many African countries, notably through the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema .

This Moroccan policy aims to remove intercultural barriers and establish a crossroads where Moroccan and foreign citizens are neighbors. This approach is aligned with the values ​​of dialogue and multiculturalism, placed at the heart of the University's strategy, and also shared by the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa.

The richness of each conference is illustrated through the numerous questions that arise from students from different establishments and who remain potential agents of change by assimilating the corpus of each meeting with eminent personalities specialized in various fields.   
