The ICESCO Chair “Arts, Sciences and Civilizations” is organizing a conference: “the world today facing uncertainty: what role for culture in the construction of new thinking about humanity? »

Conference cycle

Since the signing of the agreement to create the ICESCO chair for arts, sciences and civilizations within the Euromed University of Fez, the University once again welcomes its partner ICESCO: the Islamic World Organization for Education, Sciences and Culture for another meeting, this time focusing on a conference around the theme: “the world facing uncertainty: what role does culture play in rethinking the journey towards humanity? ".

This conference is organized by the UEMF and ICESCO in partnership with the German Konrad-Adenauer Foundation, active in more than 100 countries around the world including Morocco where it supports young people and women as well as state and non-state institutions. states, political actors and civil society to better define their actions and contribute to lasting changes. Through this event, the partners aim to highlight the challenges that the world is currently facing following the multiple repercussions of the health crisis on economic and social levels but also divisions and tensions of a geopolitical, economic and ideological nature. In relation to this context, the aim is also to show that through the promotion of culture and its various levers, it is possible to rethink the future of our humanity outside of the murky images that the world is currently experiencing. As André Malraux rightly says, culture is “what has made man something other than an accident of the universe”. Given this approach, it is clear that culture is not just a superfluous component in the current situation where the digital industry and augmented humans reign.


PROGRAM - Wednesday November 24, 2021 – 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (GMT+1)
“The world today facing uncertainty: what role for culture in the construction of new thinking about humanity? »

Opening remarks

- Mr. Mostapha Bousmina, President, Euromed University of Fez (UEMF)

- Mr. Abdelilah Ibn Arfa, Deputy Director, ICESCO
“Role of culture and literature in approaching uncertainty”

- Mr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Director of Culture and Communication, ICESCO
“A new hermeneutics of culture for a new world”

- Mr. Omar Halli, Advisor to the Director General of ICESCO
“Culture and the university, what are the possible issues today? »

- Mr. Abderrahman Tenkoul, Dean of the Euromed Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, UEMF
“Presentation of the chair: Arts, sciences and civilizations”

