
Post-Covid 19 global economy: what new role for the Morocco-EU partnership?

In a context where the investment strategies of European companies will certainly evolve towards a reduction in excessive dependence on Asia in general and China in part

Sustainability: towards a new development paradigm in the Euro-Mediterranean area

The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF), in partnership with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), is organizing a workshop on November 26, 2019 on the theme of “Sustainability: towards a new development paradigm in the are

Startup Maroc Roadshow continues with a new edition in Fez

The territoriality of public action: Rethinking governance through the local prism

The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) organized on Tuesday January 28, 2020, in collaboration with the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AVITEM), a round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking

Moroccan Entrepreneurial University Initiative

 a workshop was co-organized by the UEMF and the University of Koblenz-Landau around the theme "Moroccan Entrepreneurial University Initiative".

This workshop shed light on the foundations of the entrepreneurial university through different

[REIMAS] 8th Edition of Tuesday Talks

The RIEMAS (Research Institute for European, Mediterranean and African Studies) had the pleasure of welcoming Maître Michel Kizito BRIZOUA-BI during its flagship event the RIEMAS Tuesday Talks around the theme of African Integration through

Workshop “Building a Sustainable Quality Culture: From Internal Quality Assurance to External Accreditation”

Euromed University took part on 3rd & 4th February 2020 in the Workshop “Building a Sustainable Quality Culture: From Internal Quality Assurance to External Accreditation”, organized at Le Méridien N'Fis -Marrakesh by The Quality Assurance

Round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking governance through the prism of the local”

The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) organized on Tuesday January 28, 2020, in collaboration with the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AVITEM), a round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking

Webinar on Morocco's development model

Mr. Salim Bounou, director of the health center at the UEMF, took part in the webinar on Morocco's development model, a webinar initiated by the Bridge Group and which is intended to be a high-level citizen meeting to contribute to providing visibility

Webinar “Post Covid 19 global economy: what new role for the Morocco-EU partnership?”

A reflection on the future of the Morocco-EU economic partnership in a global situation which will be lastingly marked by the socio-economic consequences of the Covid 19 crisis.

Workshop "Open-air workshop" at riad Lalla Yeddouna

Accompanied by professors from the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU) and those from the Department of Architecture (Dipartimento di Architettura "DIDA") of the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze) , the studies

Workshop "Sustainability: towards a new development paradigm in the Euro-Mediterranean area"

The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF), in partnership with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), is organizing a workshop on November 26, 2019 on the theme of “Sustainability: towards a new development paradigm in the are

Moroccan Entrepreneurial University Initiative

A workshop was co-organized by the UEMF and the University of Koblenz-Landau around the theme "Moroccan Entrepreneurial University Initiative".

This workshop shed light on the foundations of the entrepreneurial university through different

UEMF and the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES) analyze migration, mobility and development

The Euromed University of Fez organized, in collaboration with EMNES (The Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies), a workshop on October 17, 2019, around the theme “Migration, Mobility and Development”. This Work

The “Practical Workshops” of the FEMG and the EEMGC Master GEGE 1st year and GC 2nd year

As part of the practical illustration of the courses “Disturbed Natural Systems” & “Ecology and Sustainable Development” for the benefit respectively of students of the 1st year of the Master “Environmental Engineering and Water Management” and

Hackathon on the theme of artificial intelligence applied to eco-mobility

The Euromed University of Fez and its partner ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC, are co-organizing the 5th edition of the ALTEN MOROCCO SOFTWARE AWARDS (AMSA 5). This is an annual nationwide Hackathon, open to bachelors, students and doctors.

Management of technology, innovation and digital transformation in the University

Initiated by the Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) and its partner Koblenz Landau University (Germany), this workshop is intended to mutually study the innovation and digitalization processes of the University. 

To the EU

Workshop on strategic planning based on scenarios, for decision-making

The Euromed University of Fez is organizing, in collaboration with the Office of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation in Morocco and the Center for Strategic Foresight of ICESCO , a Workshop on the theme “ low-level strategic planning

3rd edition of the “Empower 21” summit: University, a nursery for aspiring entrepreneurs?

To return to the panel: “the university, a nursery for aspiring entrepreneurs?” Click here


The 3rd edition of

Idea Development with Design Thinking: theme of the MUnIE workshop

The Euromed BiomedTech Engineering School (EIB ) and

EBS and EMADU, components of UEMF, organized a hackathon in partnership with the Koutoubia group

The Euromed Business School and the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, in partnership with the Koutoubia group, organized a Hackathon on January 22 and 23 on the theme of the revaluation of production waste.  

Webinar on financing economic recovery in Africa

The UEMF and its components Euromed Business School and RIEMAS (Research Institute for Euro-mediterranean and African Studies

[REIMAS] The importance of strengthening the role of women in Post-Covid recovery

The UEMF and its components Euromed Business School and RIEMAS (Research Institute for European, Mediterranean and Afri

Huawei ICT Academy: a series of workshops to stimulate the development of the ICT sector

By the end of 2019, Huawei ICT Academy was deployed in China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the South Pacific, covering 72 countries.

Today, Huawei ICT Academy is implementing a

[Hackathon] The Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge: 2nd edition by Euromed Business School and Royal Air Maroc

EUROMED UNIVERSITY OF FEZ and its partner ROYAL AIR MAROC (RAM), are co-organizing the Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge , a Hackathon which aims to engage participants in the CSR approach with reference to the value chain.

[Hackathon] The GreenWings project is unanimously approved by the Jury and wins first place

The “Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge” Hackathon, organized from January 19 to 21, 2022 by Euromed University of Fez and Royal Air Maroc, closed with the announcement of the winning project “Green Wings”. 

Green Wings is an app

[BlueSpace Incubator] Pitch session for project leaders

The first pitching session for candidate project leaders took place at the UEMF.

In front of a Jury made up of the UEMF entrepreneurship team, executives from Bank of Africa, partner of the University and the incub project

ICESCO Chair “Women in Science, AI and Futures”: Coding Bootcamps for the benefit of young girls in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region

An initiative ensured by the ICESCO Chair “Women in Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Futures” of the Euromed University of Fez open to 100 young girls aged between 7 and 10 years old in collaboration with the Regional Academy of Education and

Euromed Career Day: a first edition rich in exchanges between UEMF students and professionals

Beyond looking for a job or internship, the Euromed Career day is an opportunity to build links and meet professionals from various sectors. This forum aims to support young people in their professional career by

Webhelp Morocco and UEMF Hackathon: innovative projects and concepts at the grand final

The grand final of the Hackathon organized by Webhelp Maroc and the UEMF, from September 21 to 23, on employee loyalty saw the participation of more than ten projects, each one innovative. Innate ideas and concepts

Employee engagement: theme of the Hackathon co-organized between Webhelp Morocco and the UEMF

Students from Euromed Business School and the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence are called upon to compete in ingenuity during the Hackathon co-organized by Webhelp Morocco and the UEMF on the theme of customer loyalty.

Workshop: "Project as caring - Making as healing" in Lalla Yeddouna/Médina of Fez

In collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Morocco, EMADU welcomes from October 24 to November 4 the International Designer Andrea Anastasio who leads the workshop "Project as caring - Making as healing" in Lalla Yeddouna/Medina of Fez.

Design Workshop in Volubilis under the supervision of Mr. Andrea Anastasio, International Designer

As part of Moroccan-Italian cooperation, several educational and para-pedagogical activities take place permanently within the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU). Exchanges of experiences and supervision

The Teens in AI Hackathon: a competition to generate the next ethical leaders in AI

Organized by the UEMF School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Teens in AI, and the ICESCO-UEMF Women in Science: AI and the Future Chair, the Hackathon saw the participation of young high school graduates, Fès-Meknè region

Round table: water, agriculture and food security, building a Nexus approach for the climate change narrative in Africa

The Research Institute for European, Mediterranean, and African Studies (RIEMAS), Think-Tank of the Euromed University of Fez organized its first round table of the 1.5 Hours for Climate - Africa Moonshot Initiative, which focused on the theme "Ea

Kick-off of the 2nd edition of the Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge

After the January 2022 edition, the Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge continues this year to continue to promote the emergence of innovative solutions in sustainable development and CSR.

It is in partnership with the RA

UEMF students leave for Tel Aviv for Jamweek in Shenkar to try to solve problems linked to climate change

The impact of global warming is already irreversible and environmental issues today represent a strategic issue at all levels. At the current rate of population increase and intensification of activities

The 5th edition of the Smart Bank by Bank of Africa Territorial Open Innovation program

In order to support regional entrepreneurial dynamics, the UEMF , in partnership with Bank Of Africa , the CRI-Fès-Meknes and the Fès-Meknes Regional Council

Webinar: “Climate emergency in the Mediterranean: what action should the University take? »

With a view to presenting the important role of universities in raising awareness among university communities and the actions they can take to act in favor of sustainable development, Alumni

A look back at the “Students' Innov'Up” innovation Hackathon organized by the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the Euromed University of Fez

This hackathon is part of the European Union's actions in favor of youth, in particular the “Men Chabab Qrab” communication campaign, launched by the European Union in 2023. It has for an o

Meeting between students of the Dutch School of Architecture Delftse School and those of the Euromed School of Architecture (EMADU)

As part of strengthening its international cooperation, and launching milestones for future cooperation, including, among others, student and research mobility, Professor Iman Meriem Benkirane, Director of the Eurome School

Workshop on intelligent transport (ITS), mobility and urban planning

The UEMF organized, on May 15 and 16, 2023, in collaboration with its partner Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, two workshops, one on AI applied to agriculture and food security and the other

Workshop on AI applied to agriculture and food security

The Euromed University of Fez, in collaboration with its partner Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, is organizing two workshops on May 15 and 16, 2023, one on AI applied to agriculture and food safety.

The Euromed University of Fez and the University of Toronto are organizing 3 symposia in Fez on the theme: “CO-DESIGNING PUBLIC SPACES IN THE MEDINA OF FEZ”

As part of the partnerships of the Euromed University of Fez with the international academic world, its School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU) and the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape

Euromed University presents at the CUA Stakeholders workshop in Nairobi

The Euromed University of Fez was present at the Stakeholders workshop of the African Union Commission (AUC) in Nairobi, Kenya through the participation of Pr. Hafsa El Bekri, teacher-researcher at the Euromed Bus

Project launch workshop: Support for Moroccan Companies through the use of Industry 4.0

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Digital Development Agency (ADD) and the “Fez Smart Factory” consortium

Workshop: Design and Innovation Week at EMADU

The Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning is organizing a workshop on behalf of its Design department which runs over the week of January 22, until January 26, 2024. This workshop is supervised by the designer Maro

[Workshop] Architectural Exploration in Fez: Reinvented Tradition

Master Architecture students from the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU) immersed themselves in the history and future of Fez on April 24 during a Workshop at Riad Lalla Yeddouna.

In collaboration with the