Visit of the Liberian Minister of Education and his delegation to the Euromed University of Fez


On Friday, May 19, Mr. Dao ANSU SONII, Minister of Education of the Republic of Liberia, visited the Euromed University of Fez. He was accompanied by a large delegation composed in particular of MM. Saku DUKULY, Secretary of State for Education, Robert YARSUO LORMIA, Ambassador, Theophilus A. SNORTON, Director of Scholarships; Samuel G. WILLIAMS, Coordinator/International Scholarships and Mrs. Sangay M. FREEMAN, Director of Scientific Education, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

During the reception organized in their honor, a brief presentation of the University and its current projects was made followed by an exchange on cooperation opportunities between the University and its Liberian counterparts. A detailed tour of the University's laboratories and technological platforms was also organized on the sidelines of this meeting.  

The Minister and the delegation accompanying him wished to express their great satisfaction at the end of this visit, particularly impressed by the quality of the scientific and technical infrastructures put in place by the University in such a short time and the exchanges with University students and doctoral candidates during visits to the laboratories and the innovation and startup support center. The Minister underlined the importance of Liberian students being able to undertake thesis work at the UEMF, like doctoral students from other African countries and gave his instructions to the people accompanying him to strengthen the exchanges with the university and its counterparts in Liberia.
