Visit of Madame Carine Foeller Viallon, Consul General of France, to the Euromed University of Fez


The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) welcomed this Thursday, May 28, a delegation composed of Mrs. Carine Foeller Viallon, Consul General of France in Fez, accompanied by Mrs. Agnès Humruzian, Cooperation and Cultural Action Advisor at the Embassy of France and Director of the French Institute of Morocco. Under the kind hospitality of Prof. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the UEMF, this visit marked a significant step in the strengthening of Franco-Moroccan relations within the educational and cultural sector.

The main objective of this meeting was to explore and develop new opportunities for collaboration between the Euromed University of Fez and the French Institute of Morocco. The discussions highlighted several areas of strategic cooperation:

• Organization of cultural events:
- Setting up a series of cultural events focused on philosophy, with an opening to the African world.
- Promotion of cultural exchanges to enrich diversity and inclusion within the university community.

• Strengthening Linguistic Skills:
- Development of intensive programs leading to certifications to improve the linguistic skills of students, with an emphasis on mastery of the French language.

• Promotion of Soft Skills and Power Skills:
- Development of programs aimed at developing students' transversal skills, such as communication, leadership, and critical thinking.

• Facilitation of Student Mobility:
- Promotion of student mobility through partnerships with French universities, allowing students to benefit from academic and cultural exchanges.
- Creation of scholarships and exchange programs to encourage the participation of Moroccan students in renowned French institutions.

As a member of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and strategic partner of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, particularly for bachelor's and master's courses in political science and the delocalized master's degree from the School of Law of the Sorbonne, the UEMF stands out for its commitment to academic excellence and international cooperation.

This visit therefore made it possible to lay the foundations for an enriching and lasting collaboration. Both institutions are actively working to bring these ambitious projects to fruition, which will benefit not only students, but also the entire university community.
