[Call for Contribution] First Edition of the International Conference on the Regulation and Governance of Public Action

Congresses and conferences

Public policies seek to transform problematic situations through operational measures, requiring the involvement of various actors, the mobilization of resources and the intervention of regulatory bodies, often accompanied by confrontations of knowledge and conflicts of interest. Since the 1970s, public administration has become more complex with decentralization, globalization and the rise of multinationals and NGOs, making public action multi-level and multi-actor. This has led to the delegation of certain functions to civil society and the private sector, showing that rationality does not govern all decisions, which generates tensions and controversies, with regulatory systems in crisis and giving in to the demands of society. global governance.

Objectives of the event:

The conference aims to demonstrate, through case studies, that public policies must face social complexity. This involves sharing thoughts on the regulation and governance of public actions. The conference will bring together experts from various countries to present their research on changes in public action and propose practical solutions.

The themes of the conference:

  • Aspects of social complexity and their impact on public policies;
  • Management of social complexity;
  • The actors and approaches to regulating public action;
  • New modes of public governance;
  • Risk and crisis management;
  • New issues in prospective studies.

The analysis of current Moroccan and international political and socio-economic news will serve as a backdrop for the discussions and reflections animating this conference. In this regard, the scientific committee encourages researchers to propose communications including case studies drawn from empirical reality, relating in particular to:

  • The metamorphoses of world geopolitics; 
  • The new socio-economic challenges of post-Covid public policies; 
  • The ecological dimensions of the public policy crisis; 
  • Fake news and the rise of uncertainties 
  • Water stress; 
  • The reconstruction of the Haouz region.

Conditions for submitting communications proposals

- Communication projects, belonging to various scientific disciplines, such as public management, political science, - sociology and economics can relate to theoretical or empirical aspects
- Communication projects must fall within one or more axes of the suggested conference.
- Papers can be submitted in French , Arabic or English .
- Summaries of communications (between 600 and 800 words) must be sent, in Word format only, no later than July 15, 2024 to the following emails:

colloquergpp@mapp.ma and s.kasmi@ueuromed.org

Important dates:

June 25, 2024 Launch of the call for Contribution
July 15, 2024 Deadline for receiving communication proposals;
July 22, 2024 Announcement of the selected communication proposals;
September 22, 2024 Last deadline for receipt of the full version of communications
September 30, 2024 Communication of evaluation results of contribution projects to the Conference;
October 15, 2024 Last deadline for receipt of the final version of communications
October 30, 2024 Announcement of definitively selected communications
November 20 and 21, 2024 Dates planned for the conference.


For any information relating to this conference, please contact us at the following address:
colloquergpp@mapp.ma and s.kasmi@ueuromed.org           
or contact us by telephone: +212 603003309/ +212 623-108116.
