Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

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Mechanical, production and thermal engineering

State engineer

Diploma awarded

: Engineer in mechanical, production and thermal engineering

Duration of studies

: 3 years


: Pr. Mostapha EL JAI

Common core modules in mechanical engineering

Code ==> Module title

GM11 ==> Computer Aided Design
GM12 ==> Rigid body dynamics
GM13 ==> Applied fluid dynamics
GM14 ==> Heat transfers
GM15 ==> Statistical methods for engineers
GM16 ==> Materials for engineers
GM17 = => Mechanical behavior and testing of materials
GM18 ==> Languages ​​and communication I
GM21 ==> Numerical analysis for the engineer
GM22 ==> Algorithms and data structures for engineers
GM23 ==> Advanced programming in C++ for engineers
GM24 == > Resistance of machine components and assemblies
GM25 ==> Systems and measurements
GM26 ==> Energy I
GM27 ==> Mechanical manufacturing I
GM28 ==> Languages ​​and communication II
GM31 ==> Vibration dynamics
GM32 ==> Control no destructive of materials
GM33 ==> Thermal machines
GM34 ==> Computer-Aided Manufacturing
GM35 ==> Project Management
GM36 ==> Mechanical manufacturing II
GM37 ==> Engineering and design I
GM38 ==> Languages ​​and communication III
GM41 ==> Mechatronics I
GM42 ==> Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
GM43 ==> Tribology and surface treatment
GM44 ==> Additive manufacturing I
GM45 ==> Engineering and design II
GM46 ==> Economic analysis in engineering
GM47 ==> Development and production cycle life of GM48 products
==> Languages ​​and communication IV


Code ==> Module title

GM51P ==> Industrial control
GM52P ==> Mechatronics II
GM53P ==> Industrial and applied robotics
GM54P ==> Additive manufacturing II
GM55P ==> Engineering and design III GM56P
==> Data Science and Maintenance
GM57P ==> Production management
GM58P ==> Innovation and entrepreneurship
PFE ==> End of studies project

THERMAL option

Code ==> Module title

GM51T ==> Industrial control
GM52T ==> Aeroelasticity and fluid-structure interaction
GM53T ==> Turbomachines and Propulsion
GM54T ==> Thermal and hybrid engines
GM55T ==> Engineering and design III
GM56T ==> Energy II
GM57T ==> Production management
GM58T ==> Innovation and entrepreneurship
PFE ==> End of studies project

Mechanical engineering training is both general and very specialized.
It makes it possible to tackle cutting-edge studies such as calculating the flow around an aircraft or even to manage large integrative projects. Overall, the mechanical engineering program at Euromed Polytechnic School includes a common core for the acquisition of fundamental knowledge in mechanical engineering and two specialization paths, one in manufacturing and the other in thermal engineering. In this context, by virtue of the almost systematic presence of mechanical components in everyday objects, training in mechanical engineering offers very varied opportunities.
At the top of the preferred fields, we find that of construction (automobile, naval, aeronautics or aerospace), that of the machinery industry and that of energy conversion and management.
As a result, a good number of mechanical engineering graduates join the world of large industry and are led to specialize either in the design of new products, or in their production, or even in marketing;
their role then consists of finding markets and advising customers. Others have the possibility of combining all of these roles either by deciding to join a smaller entity, or by creating their own structure;
there is no shortage of areas of innovation that use mechanics. Finally, some graduates choose to continue their academic studies by integrating a doctoral program.
Furthermore, training in mechanical engineering is universally recognized, making it easy to consider a career in Morocco or abroad.

Description of the sector:
For a long time, human beings have created devices allowing them to multiply their strength and skill by using physical laws or by capturing the energy present in nature.
From the derailleur of a bicycle to the turbojet engine of an airplane, from the wind farm to the prosthetic knee, the field of mechanical engineering is infinitely vast and constantly evolving.
The mechanical engineer trained at the EuromedPolytechnicSchool thus has solid fundamental training and is capable of integrating a set of constraints (materials, manufacturing, performance, commissioning, maintenance, reliability, costs, risk) to develop a viable overall solution. .
  Therefore, wherever there are machines or instruments, there are mechanical engineers to design, manufacture and perfect them. Energy conversion is also a field of study and fundamental research for the mechanical engineer.

Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

- Ability to grasp, know and understand a wide field of basic sciences (physics, energy, mechanics, materials, etc.) and associated analysis and synthesis capacity.
- Mastery of engineering methods and tools: identification, modeling, simulation and resolution of problems, use of computer tools, analysis and design of systems.
- Ability to find relevant information, evaluate it and use it.
- Ability to define the specifications of a mechanical system, to design it, dimension it, prototype it and validate it.
- Ability to control and automate a mechanical system.
- Ability to develop, implement and manage a product manufacturing process and its quality certification process (controls, tests) while respecting the associated standards.
- Ability to optimize a manufacturing process by integrating technical, economic specifications and product durability via simulation and monitoring tools.
- Ability to decide on the organization and management of an industrial system.
- Ability to analyze management indicators from industrial systems and to contribute to a quality assurance system.
- Ability to carry out research activities in mechanical engineering and set up instrumented experimental devices.
- Analysis and definition of needs, drafting of specifications, feasibility study, identification of obstacles, definition of deliverables, implementation and adaptation to constraints, planning, evaluation and feedback.
- Ability to take into account the company's challenges: environmental analysis, economic dimension, respect for quality, competitiveness and productivity, commercial requirements, economic intelligence.
- Ability to identify the problem at a strategic level: issues, objectives, relationships with the client.
- Ability to take into account the issues of work relations, ethics, safety, occupational health and sustainable development.
- Ability to undertake and innovate within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects, but also implementation of the intrapreneurial process.
- Ability to know oneself, to evaluate oneself, to manage one's skills and to make one's professional choices.
- Ability to structure, plan and resize a project as part of collaborative work.
- Ability to work in an international context: ability to adapt, mastery of one or more foreign languages ​​and associated cultural openness.
- Ability to lead an organization (team, department, etc.) and make it evolve: exercise of responsibility, team spirit, commitment and leadership.
- Ability to communicate, listen, report and explain with superiors, with specialists or non-specialists.

Access to the 1st year of the process engineering cycle is open:

By automatic route:
Students who have completed the 2 integrated preparatory years of Euromed Polytechnic School;
Students in scientific preparatory classes eligible for the Common National Competition or equivalent.

By competitive examination and interview:
Students who have completed the two preparatory years integrated into an engineering cycle different from that of the Euromed Polytechnic School;
Students who have completed the first two post-baccalaureate years in sciences, sciences and techniques or technology or the first three post-baccalaureate years in sciences, sciences and techniques or technology.

For this category, selection is made on the basis of:
Results obtained in the baccalaureate;
Results obtained in the post-baccalaureate years;
Technical and motivational interview.

Why choose the engineering cycle in mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering comes from the immemorial need of human beings to master their environment, from their desire to understand how it works and from their desire to use the laws that govern nature for their benefit. It thus plays an essential role in all areas with high stakes, of which we will cite only three examples:

- Responsible use of natural resources: mechanical engineers imagine and design installations for transforming solar, wind, thermal and hydraulic energy.
- Transport: from the bicycle to the rocket via the train, the car and the plane, these are many areas where the inventiveness of mechanical engineers has always been able to express itself in a spectacular way while seeking optimal responses through relation to societal concerns.
- The production of goods: these mechanical specialists are an important link in all industrial manufacturing processes, contributing, moreover, to rethinking them to obtain better yields and more environmentally friendly operation.

Graduates in the field of mechanical engineering carry out their activity mainly within companies in sectors such as the manufacture of mechanical equipment (machine tools, special machines), transport (automobile, aeronautics), energy, metallurgy and steel, but also in other sectors such as consumer goods and agri-food.
The EUROMED engineer in mechanical engineering also carries out his activity in services linked to engineering, studies and technical advice.

In industry, he is responsible for production or design office, operation, maintenance, testing, quality and safety.
He has functions in administration, management and direction of production services.
  In addition, he can perform functions in teaching and research.

Why choose UEMF?

To realize your career and life project

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF in brief (2019-2023)

Training offers

Engineering and Architecture Center More details
Human and Social Sciences Center More details
Health Center More details

Activities and Achievements of the UEMF during confinement due to Covid-19

Educational continuity Read more
Citizen Actions Read more
Research and Development Read more
COVID 19 Actions Read more


Job offer Consult
Doctoral or postdoctoral studies Call for applications
Continuing training More information
Internships at UEMF Consult
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