Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

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Electrical Engineering EEA (Electronics, Electrotechnics, Automatics)

State engineer

Diploma awarded

: Engineer

Duration of studies

: 3 years


: Pr. Anass BAKKOURI, Pr. Chakib ALAOUI, Pr. Moad ESSABBAR

Common core modules in electrical engineering

Code ==> Title of module GE11 ==> Digital electronics
GE12 ==> Electrical engineering
GE13 ==> Introduction to team management
GE14 ==> Logic circuits and hardware computing
GE15 ==> Summary and digital controls
GE16 ==> Analysis of signals and discrete systems
GE17 ==> Design I
GE18 ==> Languages ​​and communication I
GE21 ==> Transmission of electromanetic waves
GE22 ==> Physics of electronic components
GE23 ==> Production of electrical energy & Networks
GE24 ==> Optical Communications
GE25 ==> Total Quality Management
GE26 ==> Design II
GE27 ==> Communication Systems I
GE28 ==> Languages ​​and Communication II
GE31 ==> Opto-electronics
GE32 ==> Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering
GE33 ==> Laser and Applications
GE34 ==> Communication Systems II
GE35 ==> Electrical Machines
GE36 ==> Design III
GE37 ==> Engineer Materials
GE38 ==> Languages ​​and Communication III
GE41 ==> Industrialelectronics I
GE42 ==> Economic analysis in engineering
GE43 ==> Semiconductordevices I
GE44 ==> Design IV
GE45 ==> Digital signal processing
GE46 ==> Distributed intelligent systems
GE47 ==> Energy conversion, storage system, and renewable energy
GE48 ==> Languages ​​and communication IV

Code ==> GE51-A module title
==> GE52-A industrial control
-A advanced systems control ==
> GE54-A systems identification

sensors and imaging systems A ==> Industrial and applied robotics GE56-A ==> Industrial process controls
GE57-A ==> Industrial automation
GE58-A ==> Ethics and professionalism
PFE ==> End of studies project

Code ==> Module title
GE51-B ==> Design technologies for integrated systems
GE52-B ==> Industrialelectronics II
GE53-B ==> Fundamentals of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) design
GE54-B ==> Semiconductordevices II
GE55-B ==> Statistical inference and machine learning
GE56-B ==> Real-time embedded systems
GE57-B ==> Analog, digital and mixed micro-electronics
GE58-B ==> Ethics and professionalism
PFE = => End of studies project

Code ==> Module title
GE51-C ==> Industrial control
GE52-C ==> Power electronics
GE53-C ==> Use of electrical energy
GE54-C ==> Variable speed drives
GE55- C ==> Renewable energy: decentralized production and intelligent electricity networks
GE56-C ==> Power system dynamics
GE57-C ==> Power system restructuring and deregulation
GE58-C ==> Ethics and professionalism
PFE ==> End of year project 'studies

Graduates of Euromed Polytechnic School are prepared for a wide choice of professions in the fields of electronics (micro, nano, RF, VLSI), information technologies mainly oriented towards the physical layer (radio- frequencies, photonics, signal and image processing, multimedia communication), electrical energy (renewable energies, smart grids, microgrids, energy storage, power quality, industrial electronics, power electronics, energy conversion, electric machines) and automatic.

This engineering course in electrical engineering offers excellent preparation both for research at the doctoral level and for the professional world in cutting-edge industries and technology.

Description of the sector:

Electrical sciences are at the heart of the major challenges that our society must face. Mastering the development of information, communication and data technologies, ensuring a reliable, responsible and sustainable energy supply, innovating in electronics, these are some of the challenges that engineers in electrical engineering options electronics, electrotechnics and automatic are called upon to raise. Electricity is at the heart of developments in our society. It gave birth to electronics, a major technological breakthrough. Connected watches, drones, flexible screens, virtual reality headsets, home automation assistants, these devices would not work without electronics, nor the miniaturization that characterizes them. Miniaturizing is not, however, the only objective of electronic engineers who must also design more complex and less expensive devices, while being more powerful and consuming less current.

Some sensors today are so tiny that they can be attached under the skin. Once in place, they record physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure or blood glucose level. They also transmit their data wirelessly and are even capable of administering a dose of medication to patients. The quantum computer, which uses circuits combining electronics and optics, is another example of a coming revolution in this discipline.

It is impossible to talk about electricity without associating it with the concept of energy which is at the heart of all the issues linked to our energy supply of tomorrow. Fossil fuels will come to an end and the exit from nuclear power is on the agenda of several countries. The time has therefore come for the energy transition. In this process, the role of electrical engineers is central. These specialists are behind new energy sources such as wind or solar, as well as in the design of electricity production and transmission networks. Their contribution will be major for the future of the planet.


Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

Training in electrical engineering allows you to develop:

- Ability to mobilize resources from a broad field of fundamental sciences.

- Knowledge and understanding of a specialized scientific and technical field.

- Mastery of engineering methods and tools: identification and resolution of problems, even unfamiliar and not completely defined ones, collection and interpretation of data, use of computer tools, analysis and design of complex systems, experimentation.

- In the scientific and technological fields: ability to design, develop and implement systems and solutions in the fields of engineering in electronics, electrotechnics, telecommunications, embedded electronic systems, etc.

These abilities are supplemented according to the minors chosen:

- In embedded systems engineering (in the areas of connected objects and autonomous vehicles): ability to design and develop embedded electronic systems where software and hardware are closely linked, in a complete integration approach.

- In electronics of automotive and aerospace systems: ability to design and develop electronic telecommunications systems such as wireless telephony and communicating objects (automobile, airplane, space, etc.). - In communications engineering: ability to design global telecommunications solutions, implementing current and future technologies (knowing all the available solutions, proposing architectures, specifying and integrating subassemblies).

- In electrical engineering and transport: ability to master the industrial issues of electrical network management and energy production, transformation and storage of electrical energy.

- In automatic industrial robotics: ability to analyze, model, control industrial production systems while ensuring their operational safety.

- In mechatronics and electrical engineering: ability to integrate complex multiphysics projects combining mechanics, electronics and real-time computing.

- In energy and sustainable development: ability to implement energy solutions combining energy efficiency and economic profitability.

- Transversal skills: ability to manage the organizational, economic, human and technical aspects of a project in the field of a general engineer.

- Ability to integrate into an organization, to lead it and make it evolve: commitment and leadership, project management, project management, communication with superiors, with specialists and non-specialists alike.

- Taking into account industrial, economic and professional issues: competitiveness and productivity, innovation, intellectual and industrial property, compliance with quality procedures, safety.

- Ability to work in an international context: mastery of one or more foreign languages, security, economic intelligence, cultural openness, international experience.

- Respect for societal values: knowledge of social relations, environment and sustainable development, ethics.

Access to the 1st year of the process engineering cycle is open:


Students who have completed the 2 integrated preparatory years of Euromed Polytechnic School; Students in scientific preparatory classes eligible for the Common National Competition or equivalent.

By competitive examination and interview:

Students who have completed the two preparatory years integrated into an engineering cycle different from that of the Euromed Polytechnic School;

Students who have completed the first two post-baccalaureate years in sciences, sciences and techniques or technology or the first three post-baccalaureate years in sciences, sciences and techniques or technology.

For this category, the selection is made on the basis of:

Results obtained at the baccalaureate;

Results obtained in the post-baccalaureate years;

Technical and motivational interview.

Why choose the electrical engineering cycle?

The electrical engineering program at Euromed Polytechnic School responds to the growing needs of interconnected sectors of science and technology. It trains researchers and professionals of a very high level in the fields of electricity, electronics, electronics and automation.

Students attend classes taught by internationally renowned faculty and participate in numerous group projects and practical laboratory work. EPS training in electrical engineering encompasses both the theoretical bases and the practical aspects of this discipline. It is also possible to choose one of the following specializations:

- Electronics

- Electrical engineering

- Automatic.

Graduates work in companies in the engineering and research sectors, in the manufacturing and energy industries, in service companies, telecommunications, etc.

The specialist and at the same time generalist profile of these engineers allows them to also pursue careers in the tertiary sector, within the banking and insurance sectors for example.

The graduate can apply for jobs as a design office engineer, research and development engineer, method engineer, production engineer, consulting engineer, business engineer, project manager, etc.

Why choose UEMF?

To realize your career and life project

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF in brief (2019-2023)

Training offers

Engineering and Architecture Center More details
Human and Social Sciences Center More details
Health Center More details

Activities and Achievements of the UEMF during confinement due to Covid-19

Educational continuity Read more
Citizen Actions Read more
Research and Development Read more
COVID 19 Actions Read more


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