Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

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Why choose EPS?

A leading Polytechnic School at the Euromed University of Fez: The Euromed Polytechnic School

With a Moroccan, African and European vocation, the Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS) is centered on three missions: teaching, research and innovation via its entrepreneurial mindset and its openness to industry, economy and the general public, for a truly positive impact on society.

Evolving in an era in which science and technology are key vectors of change, the Euromed Polytechnic School has a particular responsibility, to:

  •  train the next generation of responsible technology leaders;
  •  contribute to the advancement of knowledge in critical areas;
  •  ensure that knowledge is transferred effectively to the economy and society, for the collective good.

In this framework, founded on the conviction that advances in science and technology are systemic in nature and require close collaboration across the boundaries of traditional fields, the Euromed Polytechnic School is designed to introduce its learners, whatever or their field of training, the fundamental principles that govern complex systems in the fields of science, technology and human behavior in order to be able to apply them to the resolution of societally relevant problems through the analysis, design and control.

In this sense, the Polytechnic School of the Euromed University of Fez, according to a local, but also international approach encouraging incoming and outgoing mobility, has the mission of developing, providing, supporting, strengthening and deepen teaching, research and knowledge mobilization actions among students and economic players, mainly in the fields of science, engineering and technology.
In this context and without being exhaustive, the main training and research orientations at the Ecole Polytechnique are organized around the following themes:


  1. Civil engineering, 
  2. Water engineering and environment,
  3. Engineering and materials sciences,
  4. Process Engineering, 
  5. Operations and logistics engineering, 
  6. Mechanical and energy engineering,
  7. Electrical engineering,
  8. Information and communication systems,
  9. Applied mathematics, technology management and econometrics,
  10. Applied physics and chemistry.


In conclusion, the depth of training thus offered within the Euromed Polytechnic School, ranging from master's and engineering diplomas to doctorates, is likely to push back the classic compartmentalization of disciplines and the lack of integration of training courses. training usually subdivided into functional areas to, ultimately, make the technological leader of tomorrow a true “systems thinker” !