Workshop on AI applied to agriculture and food security
Workshop on AI applied to agriculture and food security

The Euromed University of Fez, in collaboration with its partner Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, is organizing two workshops on May 15 and 16, 2023, one on AI applied to agriculture and food security and the other covering intelligent transport (ITS), mobility and urban planning.

The Euromed University of Fez and the University of Toronto are organizing 3 symposia in Fez on the theme: “CO-DESIGNING PUBLIC PACES IN THE MEDINA OF FEZ”
The Euromed University of Fez and the University of Toronto are organizing 3 symposia in Fez on the theme: “CO-DESIGNING PUBLIC SPACES IN THE MEDINA OF FEZ”

As part of the partnerships of the Euromed University of Fez with the international academic world, its School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU) and the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design “John H. Daniels » from the University of Toronto are organizing a joint architecture course from May 8 to June 16, 2023.

Visit to the Euromed University of Fez by His Excellency Mr. José Ulisses Correla E Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cape Verde accompanied by a high-level delegation
Visit to the Euromed University of Fez by His Excellency Mr. José Ulisses Correla e Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cape Verde accompanied by a high-level delegation

The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) had the honor of receiving this Friday, May 12, 2023 his Excellency Mr. José Ulisses Correla e Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cape Verde, at the head of a very high delegation level including many Ministers and officials from the Cape Verdean political, diplomatic and academic world.

A look back at the “Students' Innov'Up” innovation Hackathon organized by the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the Euromed University of Fez
A look back at the “Students' Innov'Up” innovation Hackathon organized by the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the Euromed University of Fez

This hackathon is part of the European Union's actions in favor of youth, in particular the “Men Chabab Qrab” communication campaign, launched by the European Union in 2023. Its objective is to encourage young students to undertake and innovate by developing entrepreneurial solutions linked to the environment and climate change.

Euromed University of Fez and the Sorbonne Law School are organizing the Fez “Restucturing” Days on May 11 and 12, 2023
Euromed University of Fez and the Sorbonne Law School are organizing the Fez “Restucturing” Days on May 11 and 12, 2023

Since last September, the Euromed University of Fez has welcomed the Sorbonne Law School with a degree relocated to Morocco, specifically a Master's degree in business law offered to students from Morocco, France and sub-Saharan Africa. with a proportion of 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. This very selective Master's degree was a great success in the three aforementioned regions.

Round table: Territorial marketing
Round table: Territorial marketing

The IESJP organized, on Thursday May 4, 2023, a round table on: Territorial marketing. The event was moderated by Professor Hassan Azouaoui, professor of economics and management, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics of Kénitra and member of the Daraa Tafilalet regional council.