Euromed University of Fez Strengthens its Partnership with Pinnacle Teaching Solutions

Agreements and partnerships

Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) is proud to announce the extension of its partnership with Pinnacle Teaching Solutions, a leading player in the educational field, with nearly 43 years of international expertise in 15 countries. This renewed partnership aligns with our commitment to expanding our teaching in English, with the ambition to deliver 50% of courses in English by 2025, compared to 40% currently. Marking a crucial step in UEMF's international development, this strategic commitment also further strengthens our multilingual academic environment, a central pillar of our vision. The aim is to broaden the horizons of our students in terms of international mobility and professional opportunities.

In this dynamic, the UEMF created the Euromed Language Center. Under the direction of Professor Alexander Toshkov, the Euromed Language Center will play a decisive role in achieving our linguistic and academic objectives. Also, thanks to this new agreement, an essential component will be dedicated to continuing training. This initiative will allow not only students, but also professionals, to benefit from development programs throughout their careers.
