Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)
Thèse. Laboratoire d’Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée - Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Esters méthyliques d’acides gras fonctionnalisés (B, Si, Ge, P): Polyesters métallés - Nanoparticules de germanium. Dr. A. Castel
Fonctionnalisation des surfaces solides (graphène, silice, argile, …). Particulièrement, la phosphorylation pour accéder à des matériaux sélectifs pour la séparation, l’adsorption et la catalyse.
Matériaux hybrides nanostructurés : chimie supramoléculaire couplée au procédé sol-gel [i) les matériaux organo-siliciques, ii) oxydes de métaux de transition, iii) nanoparticules de polysaccharides renforcées].
Synthèse de dendrimères phosphorés multifonctionnels (nouveaux concepts, nouveaux polymères, nouvelles applications)
Liquides ioniques phosphorés pour la purification et le stockage.
01/2019 – Now : Professeur HabilitéUniversité Euromed de Fez, Maroc.
12/2013 – 12/2018 : Professeur assistantUniversité Euromed de Fez, Maroc.
01/2011 – 11/2013 : Chercheur Associé iNANOTECH-MAScIR. Rabat, Maroc
04/2010 – 09/2011 : Post-doctorat Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, Toulouse, France.
04/2009 – 03/2010 : Post-doctorat Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de Nano-Objets, INSA, Toulouse, France.
06/2008 – 11/2008 : Post-doctoratLaboratoire d’Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée, Toulouse, France
P-62) Remarkable activity of 002 facet of ruthenium nanoparticles grown on graphene films on the photocatalytic CO2 methanation
A. Anouar, R. Garcia-Aboal, P. Atienzar, A. Franconetti, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Primo, H. Garcia, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2022, 2100487.IF= 6.73
P-61) Nanometer-thick defective graphene films decorated with oriented ruthenium nanoparticles. Higher activity of 101 vs 002 plane for silane-alcohol coupling and hydrogen transfer reduction
A. Anouar, R. Ramírez Grau, N; Katir, A. Franconetti, A. El Kadib, A. Primo, H. García, J. Catal.,2022. 407, 342-352. IF = 8.04
P-60) Nanosized copper stabilized on ternary P, N, S-doped graphene from chitosan shellfish waste: preparation and catalysis of single and double A3 -type amine coupling
A. Anouar, A. Grirrane , E. Alvarez , N. Katir , A. Primo, H. Garcia, A. El Kadib, Mater. Today Sustain.,2022, 18, 100109. IF = 7.24
P-59) Insight into Factors Influencing Wound Healing Using Phosphorylated Cellulose‐Filled‐Chitosan Nanocomposite Films
M. Kędzierska, S. Blilid, K. Miłowska, J. Kołodziejczyk‐Czepas, N. Katir, M. Lahcini, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska , Int. J. Mol. Sci.2021, 22, 11386. IF = 6.20
P-58) Growth of binary anatase–rutile on phosphorylated graphene through strong P–O–Ti bonding affords a stable visible-light photocatalyst
F-E Zirar, A. Anouar, N. Katir, I. Ait Ichoub, A El Kadib,RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 28116-28125. IF = 4.03
P-57) Antimicrobial effect of chitosan films on food spoilage bacteria
N. Wrońska, N. Katir, K. Miłowska, N. Hammi, M. Nowak, M. Kędzierska, A. Anouar, K. Zawadzka, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, K. Lisowska, Int. J. Mol. Sci.2021, 22, 5839. IF = 6.20
P-56) Gold nanoparticles grown on hydrophobic and texturally-tunable PDMS-like framework
M. Kacem, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, A. Essoumhi, A. El Kadib, New J. Chem., 2021, 45,10232-10239. IF = 3.92
P-55) Hybrid phosphorus-viologen-dendrimers as new soft nanoparticles. Design and properties
J-P; Majoral, M. Zablocka, K. Ciepluch, K. Milowska, M. Bryszewska, D. Shcharbin, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A-M. Caminade, S. Mignani, Org. Chem. Front., 2021,8, 4607-4622,IF = 5.45
P-54) Phosphorylated Micro- and Nanocellulose-Filled Chitosan Nanocomposites as Fully Sustainable, Biologically Active Bioplastics
S. Blilid, M. Kędzierska, K. Miłowska, N. Wrońska, M. El Achaby, N. Katir, E. Belamie, B. Alonso, K. Lisowska, M. Lahcini, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2020,8, 18354–18365. IF = 8.19
P-53) Phosphorylation Triggered Growth of Metal Phosphate on Halloysite and Sepiolite Nanoparticles: Preparation, Entrapment in Chitosan Hydrogels and Application as Recyclable Scavengers.
B. Boumhidi, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, K. Draouib, A. El Kadib, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 14136-14144. IF = 3.92
P-52) Polysaccharide templated biomimetic growth of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks.
N. Hammi, S. El Hankari, N. Katir, N. Marcotte, K. Draoui, S. Royer, A. El Kadib, Microporous and Mesoporous Mater., 2020; 306, 110429, IF = 5.87
P-51) Chitosan-Functionalized Graphene Nanocomposite Films: Interfacial Interplay and Biological Activity.
N. Wronska, A. Anouar, M. El Achaby, K. Zawadzka, M. Kedzierska, K. Miłowska, N. Katir, K. Draoui, S. Rózalska, I. Piwonski, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, K. Lisowska, Materials, 2020,13, 998, 8; doi:10.3390/ma13040998, IF = 2.97
P-50) Aldehyde-conjugated chitosan-graphene oxide glucodynamers: ternary cooperative assembly and controlled chemical release.
J. Chabbi, A. Aqil, N. Katir, B. Vertruyen, C. Jerôme, M. Lahcini, A. El Kadib, Carbohydr. Polym., 2020, 230,115634, IF = 6.12
P-49) Phosphorylated micro- vs nano-cellulose: A comparative study on their surface functionalisation, growth of titanium-oxo-phosphate clusters and removal of chemical pollutants.
S. Blilid, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, M. Lahcini, S. Royer, A. El Kadib, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 15555-15562. IF = 3.06
P-48) Palladium supported on porous chitosan-graphene oxide aerogels as highly efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from formate.
A. Anoouar, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Primo, H. Garcia, Molecules, 2019, 24, 3290-3303. IF = 3.06
P-47) Dendrimer templated the growth of porous catechol-coordinated-titanium dioxide frameworks: toward hemocompatible nanomaterials.
N. Katir, N. Marcotte, S. Michlewska, M. Ionov, N. El Brahmi, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, A.
El Kadib, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2019, 2, 2979-2990.
P-46) Urea-assisted cooperative assembly of phosphorus dendrimer-Zinc oxide hybrid nanostructures.
S. El Hankari, N. Katir, V. Collière, Y. Coppel, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 2141-2147. IF = 3.06
P-45) Synthesis and multifaceted use of phosphorylated graphene oxide: growth of titanium dioxide clusters, interplay with gold nanoparticles and exfoliated sheets in bioplastics
A. Anouar, N. Katir, A. S Mamede, A. Aboulaich, K. Draoui, S. Royer, A. El Kadib, Mater. Chem. Front., 2019, 3, 242-250.
P-44) Supramolecular chemistry driven preparation of nanostructured, transformable and biologically-active chitosan-clustered single, binary and ternary metal oxide bioplastics
N. Hammi, N. Wrońska, N. Katir, K. Lisowska, N. Marcotte, T. Cacciaguerra, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, ACS
Appl. Bio Mater., 2019, 2, 61–69.
P-43) Interfacial complexation driven three-dimensional assembly of cationic phosphorus dendrimers and graphene oxide sheets
N. Katir, A. Benayad, D.Rouchon, N. Marcotte, N. El Brahmi, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousminaa, A. El Kadib, Nanoscale adv., 2019, 1, 314-321
P-42) Aldehyde-functionalized chitosan-montmorillonite films as dynamically-assembled, switchable chemical release bioplastics
- Chabbi, O. Jennah, N. Katir, M. Lahcini, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib, Carbohydr. Polym., 2018, 183, 287–293.
IF = 6.12
P-41) Orthogonal synthesis of covalent polydendrimer frameworks by fusing classical and onion-peel phosphorus-based dendritic units
N. Katir, N. El Brahmi, N. Marcotte, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 5796– 5805. IF = 5.83
P-40) Branched polyesters from germylated and fatty compounds
N. Katir, D. Andrade, M. Dahrouch, E. Diaz, N Gatica, D Hourlier, N. Reyes, M.Zarraga, J. Chil. Chem. Soc. 2016, 61, 2784-2787. IF = 0.48
P-39) Impact of mesoporous silica surface functionalization on human serum albumin interaction, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity
M. Ferenc, N. Katir, K. Milowska, M. Bousmina, Y. Brahmi, A. Felczak, K. Lisowska, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, Micro. Meso. Mater., 2016, 231, 47-56. IF = 3.62
P-38) Ternary cooperative assembly-polymeric condensation of photoactive viologen, phosphonate-terminated dendrimers and crystalline anatase nanoparticles
N. Katir, Y. Brahmi, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousminaa, A. El Kadib, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 17716-17719. IF = 6.62
P-37) Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, J. A. Macia Agullo, A. Primo, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, H. Garciac, A. El Kadib, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 15544-15556. IF = 4.03
P-36) Biological activity of mesoporous dendrimer-coated titanium dioxide: Insight on the role of the surface-interface composition and the framework crystallinity
K. Milowska, A. Rybczyńska, J. Mosiolek, J. Durdyn, E. M. Szewczyk, N. Katir, Y. Brahmi, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousmina, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 19994-20003. IF = 7.50
P-35) Synthesis of onion-peel nanodendritic structures with sequential functional phosphorus diversity
N. Katir, N. El Brahmi, A. El Kadib, S. Mignani, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 6400-6408. IF = 5.32
P-34) Synthesis, characterization and biological properties of new hybrid carbosilane-viologen-phosphorus dendrimers
- Moreno, A. Szwed, N. El Brahmi, K. Milowska, J. Kurowska, E. Fuentes-Paniagua, E. Pedziwiatr-Werbicka, T. Gabryelak, J. de la Mata, M. Muñoz-Fernández, R. Gomez-Ramirez, N. Katir, A. M. Caminade,, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 25942-25958. IF = 3.11
P-33) From rational design of organometallic precursors to optimized synthesis of core/shell Ge/GeO2 nanoparticles
D. Matioszek, W.S. Ojo, A. Cornejo, N. Katir, M. El Ezzi, M. Le Troedec, H. Martinez, H. Gornitzka, A. Castel, C. Nayral, F. Delpech, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 7242-7250. IF = 4.03
P-32) Haemolytic activity and cellular toxicity of SBA-15-type silicas: Elucidating the role of the mesostructure, the surface functionality and the linker length
M. Ferenc, N. Katir, K. Milowska, M. Bousmina, J.P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 2714-2724. IF = 4.54
P-31) Viologen-based dendritic macromolecular asterisks: synthesis and interplay with gold nanoparticles
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, V. Collière, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 6981-6983. IF = 6.62
P-30) Oleochemical-tethered-SBA-15-type silicates with tunable nanoscopic order, carboxylic surface and hydrophobic framework:cellular toxicity, hemolysis and antibacterial activity
E. Pędziwiatr-Werbicka, K. Miłowska, M. Podlas, M. Marcinkowska, M. Ferenc, Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, J. P, Majoral, A. Felczak, A. Boruszewska, K. Lisowska, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 9596– 9606. IF = 5.32
P-29) Promising low-toxicity of viologen-phosphorus dendrimers against embryonic mouse hippocampal cells
J. Lazniewska, A. Janaszewska, K. Miłowska, A. M. Caminade, S. Mignani, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska, J. P. Majoral, T. Gabryelak, B. Klajnert-Maculewicz, Molecules, 2013, 18, 12222-12240. IF = 2.86
P-28) Phosphorus-based fatty acid methyl esters
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Castel, Chem. Phys. Lipids., 2013, 174, 39-47. IF = 3.36
P-27) Structural and spectroscopic properties of the second generation phosphorus viologen “molecular asterisk”
V.L. Furer, A.E. Vandukov, N. Katir, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, V.I. Kovalenko, Spectrochimi. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 2013, 115, 183-190. IF = 2.54
P-26) Viologen-phosphorus dendrimers exhibit minor toxicity against murine neuroblastoma cell line
J. Lazniewska, K. Milowska, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska, J. P. Majoral, T. Gabryelak, Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett., 2013, 18, 459-478. IF = 1.95
P-25) Transformable mesoporous organo-germano-silica
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, A. Castel, A. El Kadib, Micro. Meso. Mater., 2013, 177, 75-81. IF = 3.62
P-24) Low temperature synthesis of ordered mesoporous stable anatase nanocrystals: the phosphorus dendrimer approach
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, M. Ianchuk, V. Collière, M. Essassi, A. Ouali, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2850-2856. IF = 7.37
P-23) Viologen-phosphorus dendrimers inhibit α-synuclein fibrillation
K. Milowska, J. Grochowina, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, T. Gabryelak Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2013, 10, 1131−1137. IF = 4.44
P-22) Effect of viologen-phosphorus dendrimers on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities
K. Ciepluch, M. Weber, N. Katir, A. M. Caminade, A. El Kadib, B. Klajnert J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, Inter. J. Bio. Macromol., 2013, 54, 119-124. IF = 3.67
P-21) Mesostructured fatty acid-tethered silicas: sustaining the order by co-templating with bulky precursors
A. El Kadib, N. Katir, A. Finiels, A. Castel, N. Marcotte, K. Molvinger, C. Biolley, P. Gaveau, M. Bousmina, D. Brunel, Dalton Trans, 2013, 42, 1591-1602. IF = 4.03
P-20) Interaction between viologen-phosphorus dendrimers and α-synuclein
K. Milowska, J. Grochowina, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, T. Gabryelak, J. Lumin., 2013, 134, 132-137. IF = 2.69
P-19) Biological properties of new viologen-phosphorus dendrimers.
K. Ciepluch, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Felczak, K. Zawadzka, M. Weber, B. Klajnert, K. Lisowska, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, Mol. Pharmaceutics, 9, 2012, 448-457. IF = 4.44
P-18) Photo-physical and structural nteractions between viologen-phosphorus dendrimers and human serum albumin
K. Ciepluch, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Weber, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, J. Lumin., 132, 2012, 1553-1563. IF = 2.69
P-17) Molecular and macromolecular engineering with viologens as building blocks. Rational design of phosphorus-viologen dendritic structures
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J. P. Majoral, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2012, 269-273. IF = 2.83
P-16) Dendrimer-silica hybrid mesoporous materials
A. El Kadib, N. Katir, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, New J. Chem., 36, 2012, 241-255. IF = 3.27
P-15) Hierarchically porous nanostructures through phosphonate–metal alkoxide condensation and growth using functionalized dendrimeric building blocks
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, A. Hameau, A. Essoumhi, E. Essassi, A. M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib, Chem. Commun., 47, 2011, 8626-8628. IF = 6.62
P-14) Haemototoxicity and cytotoxicity of viologen dendrimers
K. Ciepluch, M. Weber, N. Katir, A. E. Kadib, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 22, 2011, S120. IF = 9.29
P-13) Organic-inorganic nano-building blocks via hydrogermylation of fatty compounds
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Castel, P. Rivière, M. Bousmina, Z. Benmaarouf, Curr. Org. Chem., 15, 2011, 3544-3553. IF = 1.92
P-12) Stable N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of hypermetallyl-germanium(II) and -tin(II) compounds
N. Katir, D. Matioszek, S. Ladeira, J. Escudié, A. Castel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 2011, 5352-5355. IF = 11.99
P-11) Novel stable Silyl, germyl, and stannyl germanium(II) compounds containing an Amidinato Ligand
D. Matioszek, N. Katir, S. Ladeira, A. Castel, Organometallics, 30, 2011, 2230-2235. IF = 3.86
P-10) Preparation and ESR characterization of polyalkyl-s-indacenyl anion-radicals from polyalkyl -1,5- dilithio -s-indacenes
C. Adams, J. Araneda, C. Morales, I. Chavez, J.M. Manriquez, D. Mac-Leod Carey, N. Katir, A. Castel, P. Rivière, M. Rivière-Baudet, M. Dahrouch, N.Gatica, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 366, 2011, 44-52. IF = 2.00
P-9) From polysubstituted 1,5-dihydro-s-indacene lithium derivatives to polysubstituted hydro-s-indacenyl radicals by a new method involving a single electron transfer from an electron rich Olefin
N. Katir, P. Rivière, M. Rivière-Baudet, A. Castel, C. Adams, D. M. Carey, P. Aguirre-Etcheverry, I. Chavez, J. M. Manriquez, E. Diaz, M. Dahrouch, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 363, 2010, 3714-3720. IF = 2.00
P-8) Halogermanium(II) complexes having phenylamidinate as supporting ligands: syntheses, characterizations, and reactivities
D. Matioszek, N. Katir, N. Saffon, A. Castel, Organometallics, 29, 2010, 3039-3046. IF = 3.86
P-7) Nanocomposites from natural templates based on fatty compound-functionalized siloxanes
A. El Kadib, N. Katir, N. Marcotte, K. Molvinger, A. Castel, P. Rivière, D. Brunel, J. Chem. Mater.,19, 2009, 6004-6014. IF = 6.60
P-6) Amphiphilic polyesters derived from silylated and germylated fatty compounds
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Dahrouch, A. Castel, N. Gatica, Z. Benmaarouf, P. Rivière, Biomacromolecules,10, 2009, 850-857. IF = 5.25
P-5) N,N' and N,O chelated phosphenium cations containing aminotroponiminate or aminotroponate units
L. C. Pop, N. Katir, A. Castel, L. S. Dumitrescu, F. Delpech, I. S. Dumitrescu, H. Gornitzka, D. MacLeod-Carey,
- Saffon, J. Organomet. Chem., 694, 2009, 1562-1566. IF = 2.18
P-4) Germylenes and stannylenes with chelating anilido-imine ligands - Syntheses, structures, and reactivity
A. Mcheik, N. Katir, A. Castel, H. Gornitzka, S. Massou, P. Rivière, T. Hamieh, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2008, 5397-5403. IF = 2.44
P-3) New biosurfactants based on germylated fatty compounds
- Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Castel, P. Rivière, Z. Benmaarouf, Appl. Organometal. Chem., 22, 2008, 402-406.
IF = 2.32
P-2) Poly(germanium polycarbodiimides)
M. Dahrouch, M. Rivière-Baudet, N. Katir, J. Alvarez, E. Diaz, P. Rivière, A. Castel, I. Chavez, J. M. Manriquez, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 360, 2007, 4031-4036. IF = 2.00
P-1) Hydrosilylation of unsaturated fatty Acid N-phenylamides
A.El Kadib, N. Katir, A. Castel, F. Delpech, P. Rivière, Appl. Organometal. Chem., 21, 2007, 590-594. IF = 2.32
C-32) Chitosan-functionalized graphene nanocomposite films: interfacial interplay and biological activity A.Anouar, N. Katir, A. El Kadib
6th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference held, Aveiro, Portugal, October 21-25, 2019
C-31) “Onion-Peel” Phosphorus Dendrimer Structures
L. Chen, N. Katir, N. Brahmi, X. Shi, A-M. Caminade, S. Mignani, J-P Majoral
International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron And Silicon, Barcelona, Espagne, December 10-12, 2018
C-30) Functionalized clay-based materials for water purification
B. Boumhidii, N. Katir, J.El Haskouri, K. Draoui, A. El Kadib
Congrès International Matériaux Appliqués à l’Environnement, Agadir, Morocco, December 5-7, 2018
C-29) Synthesis of novel functional hybrids materials by using polysaccharides
N. Hammi, A. El Kadib, N. Katir
Congrès International Matériaux Appliqués à l’Environnement, Agadir, Morocco, December 5-7, 2018
C-28) Cellulose nanocrystals: Improving stability and pollutant removal through surface functionalization
S. Blilid, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, M. Lahcini, A. El Kadib
Congrès International Matériaux Appliqués à l’Environnement, Agadir, Morocco, December 5-7, 2018
C-27) Iron oxide encapsulated in hydrophobic polymethylsiloxane network
M. Kacem, N. Katir, A. Essoumhi, M. Sajieddine, Abdelkrim El Kadib
Congrès International Matériaux Appliqués à l’Environnement, Agadir, Morocco, December 5-7, 2018
C-26) Macromolécules géantes: Illustration à travers les dendrimères phosphorés. Nouvelles méthodologies de synthèse. Nouveaux concepts. Applications. (conférence)
Université de Lille 1, France. October 17, 2018
C-25) Sustainable, metal-free synthesis of dendritic-based macromolecular microspheres
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bousmina
4th International Conference on Biobased Materials and Composites, Nantes, France, March 29-31, 2017
C-24) Synthesis of “onion-peel” dendrimers incorporating up to seven different types of phosphorus groups in their structure
A.M. Caminade, N. Katir, N. El Brahmi, J.P. Majoral
European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry, Cluj-Napoca, Romania March 20-22, 2017
C-23) Viologen-phosphorus dendrimers affect the fibrillation of α-synuclein
K. Milowska, J. Grochowina, T. Gabryelak, M. Bryszewska, N. Katir, A.M. Caminade, J-P. Majoral
3rd International Symposium on Biological Applications of Dendrimers, Toledo, Spain, September 5-7, 2012.
C-22) Dendrimers and albumin : friends or foes? A preliminary quantitative structure-toxicity relationship for viologen-phosphorus dendrimers.
D. Marson, V. Dal Col, P. Posocco, E. Laurini, M. Fermeglia, S. Pricl, B. Klajnert, M. Bryszewska, N.Katir, A. El Kadib, A.-M. Caminade, J. P. Majoral
3rd International Symposium on Biological Applications of Dendrimers, Toledo, Spain, September 5-7, 2012.
C-21) Sustainable, ordered and carboxy-reactive mesoporous biosilicates
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, A. El Kadib
Colloque « les biomatériaux: Diversité d’applications et champ d’innovations », Rabat, Morocco, June 21,2012.
C-20) Design and properties of new dendrimer types
J. P Majoral, C. Rouxel, A. Hameau, M. Blanchard-Desce, A.M. Caminade, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bousmina 7th international Dendrimer Symposium, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 26-July 1, 2011.
C-19) Novel Low-Coordinate metallyl group 14 compounds as precursors for mano-materials
D. Matioszek, N .Katir, S. Ladeira, A. Castel, J. Escudie
6th International Chemistry Conference Toulouse-Kiev, Toulouse, France, june 30, 2011.
C-18) Dendrimer-ordered mesoporous inorganic oxide by co-condensation approach
Y. Brahmi, A. Hameau, N. Katir, A. Essoumhi, M. Bousmina, J.-P. Majoral, A. El Kadib
27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), Marrakech, Morocco, May 10-14, 2011.
C-17) Simultaneously polymerizable and cleavable dendritic structures for ffficient dispersion of functional groups within the framework of mesoporous materials
- Brahmi, N. Katir, A.-M. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J.-P. Majoral, A. El Kadib
27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), Marrakech, Morocco, May 10-14, 2011.
C-16) Nanostructured Organosilica Biomaterials from Renewable Resources
N. Katir, A. Castel, A. Finiels, D. Brunel, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib
27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), Marrakech, Morocco, May 10-14, 2011.
C-15) Interactions of viologen dendrimers with human red blood cells
K. Ciepluch, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J.-P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska.
European Biotechnology congress, Pologne, February 3-6, 2011
C-14) Amidinato germanium(II) compounds
D. Matioszek, N .Katir, N. Saffon, A. Castel
20ème Journée Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest, Montpellier, France, November 26, 2010.
C-13) Des germylenes aux nanoparticules de germanium
D. Matioszek, N. Katir, A. Castel, H.Gornitzka, A.Cornejo, F. Delpech, C. Nayral, B. Chaudret.
19ème Journée Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France, November 13, 2009.
C-12) Polyesters derived from silylated and germylated fatty methyl esters
M. Dahrouch, K. Valdebenito, A. Iturra, N. Gatica, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Castel, P. Rivière, M. Rivière-Baudet International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Rennes, France, July 13-18, 2008.
C-11) Analisis fisico-quimico de nuevos polesteres de germanio formados de esters de acidos grasos y poli(alquileno glicol)
M. Dahrouch, N. Gatica, K. Valdebenito, N. Katir, A. Castel, P. Rivière, M. Rivière-Baudet XXVII Jornadas Chilenas de Quimica, Termas de Chillan-Chili, November 20-23, 2007.
C-10) Polyesters du groupe 14 (Si, Ge) à base d’esters méthyliques d’acides gras
N. Katir, A. Castel, Z. Benmaarouf, M. Dahrouch, P. Rivière, N. Gatica
4ème Conférences Internationale de Chimie Toulouse-Kiev, Toulouse-France, June 6-8, 2007.
C-9) Cations phosphorés à ligand aminotroponate et aminotroponiminate
L.C. Pop, N. Katir, A. Castel, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, H. Gornitzka
4ème Conférence Internationale de Chimie Toulouse-Kiev, Toulouse-France, June 6-8, 2007.
C-8) Phosphorylation des esters méthyliques d’acides gras: valorisation des huiles de poisson marocaines
N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Castel, P. Rivière, Z. Benmaarouf, M. Dahrouch, M. Rivière-Baudet
Conférence Internationale sur la Chimie Organométallique et la Catalyse, RENACOM, Meknes-Maroc, May 3-4, 2007.
C-7) Réaction de polytransesterification entre EMAG métallés (Si, Ge) et diols d’oxyde de polytétraméthylène
N. Katir, A. Castel, M. Rivière-Baudet, P. Rivière, M. Dahrouch, N. Gatica, Z. Benmaarouf.
Conférence Internationale sur la Chimie Organométallique et la Catalyse, RENACOM, Meknes-Maroc, May 3-4, 2007.
C-6) Poly(germaniumpolycarbodiimides)
M. Dahrouch, M. Rivière-Baudet, N. Katir, J. Alvarez, E Diaz, P. Rivière, A. Castel, I. Chavez, J. M. Manriquez. Conférence Internationale sur la Chimie Organométallique et la Catalyse, RENACOM, Meknes-Maroc, May 3-4, 2007.
C-5) Carbodiimides ciclicas germinadas: síntesis y caracterization
E. Diaz, J. Alvarez, M. Dahrouch, M. Rivière, P. Rivière, N. Katir, A. Castel, H. Gornitzka, I. Chavez, J. M. Manriquez.
III Coloquio de Macromoléculas, Touré-Chili, November 8-10, 2006.
C-4) Hidrometalacion (Si, Ge, B) de esters metilicos de ácidos grasos (EMAG) y de aceite de pescado.
A. El Kadib, F. Delpech, A. Castel, N. Katir, Z. Benmaarouf, A. Amin-Alami, M. Dahrouch XXVI Journadas Chilenas de Quimica, Concepción-Chili, January 10-13, 2006.
C-3) L’utilisation de la réaction d’hydroboration dans la fonctionnalisation des esters d’acides gras insaturés
- Katir, Z. Benmaarouf, A. Amin-Alami.
Transmediterranen Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, RENACOM, Marrakech-Maroc, May 4-7, 2005.
C-2) Valorisation des huiles de poisson marocaines: fonctionnalisation d’esters d’acides gras insaturés
- Katir, Z. Benmaarouf, A. Amin-Alami, A. Khallaayoun
1st congrès Maroc-Espagnol sur la chimie Organique & Quatrième Rencontre Andalou-Marocaine sur la chimie des produits Naturels, Marrakech-Maroc, September 16-18, 2004.
C-1) Hydroboration des esters d’acides gras insaturés et leur fonctionnalisation
- Katir, Z. Benmaarouf, A. Amin-Alami.
Deuxième Rencontre Nationale sur la Chimie Organométallique, RENACOM, Agadir-Maroc, May 2-3, 2003.
- Atomistique
- Chimie des solutions
- Traitement des eaux usées
- Traitement des sols
- Matériaux céramiques