Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)
Doctorat en Chimie Fondamentale et Appliquée, Université Ibn Tofail-Faculté des sciences de Kenitra, 2020.
- Coordonnateur de première année cycle d'ingénieur-Ecole Euromed de Génie civile.
- Membre élu de la commission scientifique de la Faculté Euromed de Génie.
1-A. EL MAGRI, S. VAUDREUIL, Optimizing the mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA-graphene composite using response surface methodology, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering (2021).
2-B.G. THIAM, A. EL MAGRI, S. VAUDREUIL, An overview on the progress and development of modified sulfonated polyether ether ketone membranes for vanadium redox flow battery applications. High performance polymers. (2021).
3-A. EL MAGRI, S. VANAEI, M. SHIRINBAYAN, S. VAUDREUIL, A. TCHARKHTCHI, An investigation to study the effect of process parameters on the strength and fatigue behavior of 3D printed PLA-Graphene. Polymers. 13(19), 3218. (2021).
4-A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, Preparation and characterization of poly(ether ether ketone)/poly(ether imide) [PEEK/PEI] blends for fused filament fabrication.
J Mater Sci. 56, 14348–14367 (2021).
5-A. EL MAGRI, S. VANAEI, S. VAUDREUIL, An overview on the influence of process parameters through the characteristic of 3D-printed PEEK and PEI parts, High performance polymers. 33(8), 862-880 (2021).
6-A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, Experimental investigation and optimization of printing parameters of 3D printed polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) through response surface methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 138, (2020).
7-A. EL MAGRI, S. VAUDREUIL, K. EL MABROUK, M. EBN TOUHAMI, Printing temperature effects on the structural and mechanical performances of 3D printed Poly-(phenylene sulfide) material, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 783 012001 (2020).
8-A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, H. CHIBANE, M. Ebn Touhami, Optimization of printing parameters and enhancement of mechanical and thermal performances of 3D printed Poly (ether ether ketone) material, Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 34 581-595 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/app.49087
9-A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, Mechanical properties of CF-reinforced PLA parts manufactured by fused deposition modeling, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 32 (2019).
10. El Magri, A.; Bencaid, S.E.; Vanaei, H.R.; Vaudreuil, S. “Effects of Laser Power and Hatch Orientation on Final Properties of PA12 Parts Produced by Selective Laser Sintering.” Polymers 2022, 14, 3674. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14173674
(Impact factor 2020: 4.329)
11. Vaudreuil, S.; Bencaid, S.-E.; Vanaei, H.R.; El Magri, A. “Effects of Power and Laser Speed on the Mechanical Properties of AlSi7Mg0.6 Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.” Materials 2022, 15, 8640. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15238640
(Impact factor 2020: 3.623)
12. Vanaei, H.R.; El Magri, A.; Rastak, M.A.; Vanaei, S.; Vaudreuil, S.; Tcharkhtchi, A. “Numerical–Experimental Analysis toward the Strain Rate Sensitivity of 3D-Printed Nylon Reinforced by Short Carbon Fiber”. Materials 2022, 15, 8722. https://doi.org/10.3390/
(Impact factor 2020: 3.623)
13. El Magri, A.; Vaudreuil, S., “Effects of physical and chemical ageing on 3D printed Poly (ether ether ketone) / Poly (ether imide) [PEEK/PEI] blend for aerospace applications.” (JMSC-D-22-05266R2), Journal of Materials Science. DOI not available yet.
(Impact factor 2020: 4.682)
A. EL MAGRI, S. VAUDREUIL, K. EL MABROUK, Response Surface Methodology Optimization of printed polylactic acide reinforced graphene by fused filament fabrication. CASICAM 2021-Casablanca-Maroc
A. EL MAGRI, S. VAUDREUIL, K. EL MABROUK, Additive manufacturing of PolyEther Ether Ketone/PolyEther Imide (PEEK/PEI) blend using Fused Filament Fabrication process. ICMES 2020-Oujda-Maroc.
A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, Optimization of printing parameters for the enhancement of mechanical performances of additively manufactured Poly (ether ether ketone). ICAMANA 2019-Oujda-Maroc.
A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, The influence of manufacturing parameters on the mechanical and structural properties of parts manufactured by FDM. Collège des Sciences Physiques et Chimiques, Académie Hassan II des Sciences & Techniques, 2019-Fès-Maroc.
A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, A study on the influence of process parameters on the thermal, mechanical and morphological properties of 3D printed Poly (Phenylene sulfide) material. ICAMME 2019-Meknes-Maroc.
A. EL MAGRI, K. EL MABROUK, S. VAUDREUIL, M. EBN TOUHAMI, The influence of building parameters and thermal treatment to the mechanical properties of carbon fibers reinforced PLA parts manufactured by fused deposition modeling. AETEEMS 2018-ELJadida-Maroc.
- Fabrication Additive.
- Electrochimie et corrosion.
- Contrôle non destructif.
- Atomistique/Liaison chimique.
- Chimie organique 1&2.
- Matériaux de construction.
- Contrôle non Destructif et auscultation.
- Prototypage rapide.
- Matériaux à hautes performances.
- Chimie organique 2.
- Métrologie de l’environnement.
- Impact du procédé de fabrication sur les propriétés finales.