RIEMAS in the media

The Research Institute for European, Mediterranean, and African Studies (RIEMAS) has distinguished itself through a number of media since its creation thanks to its various publications and the multiple activities organized. Furthermore, RIEMAS was able, in a spirit of openness, to count on media partnerships for its activities. Finally, the media play an important role in supporting RIEMAS in its efforts to promote and disseminate to the general public the research work carried out by associated researchers.

January 28, 2020
Conference on the territoriality of public action
Click here for more details
October 22, 2019
Migration management: Morocco cited as an example.
Click here for more details
January 8, 2020
Migration, mobility and development: Morocco at the heart of a new planetary vision.
Click here for more details
October 17, 2019
Workshop on “migration, mobility and development”.
Click here for more details
October 17, 2019
Workshop in Fez on “Migration, mobility and development”
Click here for more details