The Importance of Strengthening the Role of Women in Post-Covid Recovery

RIEMAS Webinars

The UEMF and its components Euromed Business School and RIEMAS (Research Institute for Euro-Mediterranean and African Studies) organized a webinar on March 17, 2021 under the theme:


The Importance of Strengthening the Role of Women in Post-Covid Recovery 


The devastating effects of Covid-19 on societies are indisputable. This health crisis has exacerbated the structural inequalities that exist between men and women in all areas. According to the president of the World Bank Group, this “pandemic threatens to erase a decade of efforts to strengthen human capital, particularly in terms of health, survival rates, schooling and stunting. It has a particularly brutal economic impact on women and the most disadvantaged families.”

Indeed, post-covid economic recovery should not happen without women since they contribute 37% to global GDP. In Africa, women alone produce 65% of the continent's GDP according to some experts. According to ILO estimates, a 25% reduction in the gender gap by 2025 would increase global GDP by 3.9%.  

For its part, the McKinsey Global Institute (2015) estimates that global GDP would jump by 26% in 2025 if we achieve perfect equality of both sexes in employment. To do this, it is essential to reflect on the measures to be put in place to (re)valorize their place in the economy, with the objective of identifying a certain number of avenues on the role they can play. in the post-covid economic recovery.  

The objective of this webinar is to compare the points of view of practitioners, academics and societal actors on the role of women in a resilient world.

- 5 nationally and internationally renowned Speakers share their ideas around the following questions: 

What inclusive socio-economic models can guarantee real and lasting gender equality?
What measures should be put in place for better resilience of women in the face of crises?
What role(s) for women in the post-covid economic recovery?


