1.5 Hours for Climate: Gender and climate change

The “Round Tables” of RIEMAS

Round table: “ Water, Agriculture and Food Security: Building a Nexus approach for the climate change narrative in Africa


1.5 hours for Climate – Africa Climate Moonshot Initiative , is a project supported by RIEMAS Think Tank of the Euromed University of Fez, 4C Maroc, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association - EMEA, Mercure Cab and Positive Agenda Advisory.

This 2nd thematic meeting aims to bring together high-level regional experts on the role and commitment of African women in climate action.

📍 Zoom link: https://bit.ly/40Euhai

To join us during this meeting, we invite you to register at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/bTsX2a4fkx

