School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA)

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Polytechnique and the Euromed University of Fez are collaborating.

While the number of job offers linked to artificial intelligence has jumped by more than 113% in the Euromed region, training in Artificial Intelligence is not limited to University Diplomas or health .

At the start of the 2019-2020 academic year, the UEMF launched the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA) , in partnership with the Ecole Polytechnique (France).

Around 100 students, mainly holders of scientific or technical baccalaureates, joined this new School. The engineering diploma will be validated in five years : two years of preparatory classes, a third year of common core, then two years of specialization (Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Cobotics, Big Data Analysis, Cyber-security, Web Technologies and mobile).

The partnership approved with Ecole Polytechnique (X) in July 2019 will allow the mobility of professors and students

Socio-economic partnerships:

  • Maroc Numeric Cluster
  • SAS Morocco
  • IBM Morocco
  • iDATE
  • BMCE Bank
  • CGEM
  • HPS
  • Microsoft Morocco
  • Siemens