Kick-off of the 2nd edition of the Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge

It is in partnership with RAM and the Euromed Business School of the UEMF that this Hackathon is being held from February 6 to 8, 2023. Supervised and coached by RAM experts and UEMF teacher-researchers, a Hundreds of students from the Euormed Business School, the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, will have to respond to a problem linked to CSR. The idea is to arrive at the pitch session with an economically viable solution that would reduce the impact of RAM activities on the environment.

Congratulations to the future magistrate Mr. Zakaryae LAKBIRI, winner of the Master of Business Law at UEMF

Mr. Zakaryae LAKBIRI, laureate of the Euromed Institute of Legal and Political Sciences in the Master's degree in Business Law, passed his entrance exam to the Higher Institute of Magistracy. It is the fruit of strong commitment and continued perseverance that Mr. Zakaryae LAKBIRI was able to realize his dream.  

Round table: water, agriculture and food security, building a Nexus approach for the climate change narrative in Africa

The Research Institute for European, Mediterranean, and African Studies (RIEMAS), Think-Tank of the Euromed University of Fez organized its first round table of the 1.5 Hours for Climate - Africa Moonshot Initiative, which focused on the theme "Water , Agriculture and Food Security: Building a Nexus approach to the climate change narrative in Africa"

5 ways to strengthen the employee-employer relationship in 2023: column by Prof. Othmane Benmoussa from Euromed Polytechnic School on Medias24

It is noted that several authors whose work focuses on leadership, organizational behavior and employee voice put forward particularly important ideas around the sustainability of hybrid teams, recruitment and retention of employees, in a challenging labor market requiring the development of more robust corporate cultures that can meet the changing needs of employees.

[Call for applications] Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Bootcamp by UEMF, Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) and its partners

The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) and its partners: the Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) and the EuroMed University of Fes (UEMF), are launching the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Bootcamp (EMIC) for the benefit of young people, aged 18 to 35, and from the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Bootcamp (EMIC) encourages the participation of young secondary school students, higher education students, but also postgraduates as well as employees.

The UEMF and the Digital Center of the Ministry of Agriculture develop and implement projects with territorial impact

The UEMF and the Digital Center of the Ministry of Agriculture have signed a framework partnership agreement which promotes rapprochement between research and private sector stakeholders in order to develop and put into practice projects with territorial impact.