Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

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Transport and Sustainable Mobility


Diploma awarded

: Specialized Master (MS)

Duration of studies

: 2 years



Common core

  • Energy and climate change;
  • Transport externalities: elements of analysis and calculations;
  • Applied statistics and computer science;
  • Freight transportation systems 
  • Environmental and transport economics;
  • Languages ​​and Communication 1;
  • Sustainable development ;
  • Sustainable transport;
  • Quantitative tools;
  • Cities, Territories and Technologies 20th and 21st centuries ;
  • Languages ​​and Communication 2.


“Eco-design of mobility” course

  • Transportation engineering and modeling;
  • Environmentally friendly vehicle engineering;
  • Operation of rail and guided transport;
  • Choice of transport infrastructure and sustainability;
  • Eco conception ;
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
  • “Transport and sustainable mobility” integrative project.


“Logistics and freight transport” course

  • Design and operation of logistics and transport systems;
  • Locations and modes of goods transport: from urban logistics to international goods transport;
  • Logistics infrastructure engineering;
  • Digital and new economic approaches;
  • Supply Chain Management;
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
  • “Transport and sustainable mobility” integrative project.

This training aims to provide students with essential skills in transport and logistics in the face of the explosion in transport demand and the importance of the challenges linked to mobility and urban logistics.

Various themes are covered such as:

  • Transport in the economy;
  • Demand and costs (direct, indirect costs and negative externalities of transport);
  • Organization of the offer;
  • Transport-urban planning integration models (LUTI).

By teaching them to mobilize very varied areas of knowledge (engineering, economics, environmental sciences), the objective of this master's degree for our students is to allow them to situate the different aspects on which they will be required to work by taking taking into account the social, economic and environmental dimensions simultaneously and addressing long-term issues.


Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

  • Ability to respond to concrete challenges through practical mastery of modeling, institutional analysis and management tools 
    • Identify, analyze and forecast the real determinants of transport demand;
    • Determine the areas of expertise of the different modes of transport, taken individually or combined;
    • Provide credible operational responses to sustainable transport challenges combining technical, organizational and behavioral dimensions.
  • Rational interweaving of solutions of different natures, associated with the choice of various levers of action;
  • Pragmatic knowledge of the tools to be implemented for consistency between transport needs and sustainable development objectives;
  • Ability to communicate around the issues and proposed responses in terms of sustainable mobility.


Qualifications required:

At least a bachelor's degree in science or economics and management, or any other equivalent diploma recognized by the State and in line with the targeted field of study.


Educational prerequisites:

Applicants must master the fundamental knowledge acquired throughout the license/bachelor cycle. Basic programming experience is also required.


Selection procedures:

  • Recruitment in the first year of the master's degree (M1) based on application and competitive examination;
  • Systematic M2 recruitment for M1 students who have completed the S1 and S2 semesters;
  • Recruitment in M2 after validation of an M1 subject to the study of the file, the results obtained in the admission tests and the decision of the recruitment jury;
  • Recruitment in M2 of holders of an engineering or master's degree subject to the study of the file, the results obtained in the admission tests and the decision of the recruitment jury.

For any further information, please contact us at:

Transportation and logistics software. 




This training opens up opportunities within all sectors of activity strongly linked to the fields of transport, mobility and logistics.

Among potential recruiters:

  • automobile and aircraft manufacturers;
  • companies managing transport networks;
  • service companies: logistics operators, vehicle rental companies, etc.
  • design offices and consulting firms specializing in land use planning, town planning, transport planning and transport infrastructure management;
  • international organizations: OECD, IEA, EC, UNEP, etc.

Why choose UEMF?

To realize your career and life project

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF, where high-level training, cultural diversity and stimulating student life converge

Placed under the High Honorary Presidency of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI , the UEMF is a public utility and non-profit foundation certified by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of its 43 countries members. The UEMF delivers training in three cycles (Bachelor's, Engineering, Master's and Doctorate) and its diplomas are recognized by the Moroccan State and several of its training courses are double diplomas with the best Euro-Mediterranean universities.

UEMF in brief (2019-2023)

Training offers

Engineering and Architecture Center More details
Human and Social Sciences Center More details
Health Center More details

Activities and Achievements of the UEMF during confinement due to Covid-19

Educational continuity Read more
Citizen Actions Read more
Research and Development Read more
COVID 19 Actions Read more


Job offer Consult
Doctoral or postdoctoral studies Call for applications
Continuing training More information
Internships at UEMF Consult
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