[Culture] UEMF African Week

Specific day

First edition of an annual series of events, the UEMF African Week represents a meeting, but also an opportunity to meet, communicate and reflect together on the issues and opportunities linked to Africa .

This event is part of the same context as the World Day for Cultural Diversity as well as the World Africa Day, respectively scheduled for May 21 and 25, 2021. Given its international scope, several eminent personalities from the diplomatic world, in particular several ambassadors from brotherly and friendly countries in Africa, but also from the academic and cultural world, the economic and social sector and Civil Society, will take part in this week dedicated to the African continent.

The main activities and objectives:

This event will be mainly marked by three major daily activities. “The UEMF African Week ceremony will feature various activities including conferences and round tables, cultural and recreational activities and a strong moment for fruitful exchanges with invited companies and national and international organizations,” explain the organizers. , impatiently awaiting the start of the event.

UEMF Africa Week aims to promote a better understanding of our continent; create a meeting space bringing together diplomats, business leaders, researchers, journalists, etc., to interpret the internal and external dynamics which drive the continent, to propose reading grids of African realities in their diversity and their. Complementarities, reflect and debate on themes of common interest for Africa, perspectives and development models, rethink together the new strategic directions that Africa in general and Morocco in particular to implement with regard to this that the “Europe Mediterranean Africa” axis represents in terms of opportunities and development potential.”

An event which aims for the development of Africa:

In addition, the UEMF African Week will allow participants to know Africa better, to promote exchanges and facilitate meetings with recruiters and decision-makers active on the continent, and finally, to become aware of the potential of Africa in terms of human resources.

Through this event, the UEMF and Bank of Africa wish to generate concrete initiatives and actions for the development of the continent. The University plans to organize a similar event very soon in three capitals of sub-Saharan Africa, notably in Dakar (Senegal), Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Libreville (Gabon).
