Signature of the financing agreement for the “Usine Ecole Pilote 4.0” project co-financed by the KFW subsidiary, the Investment for Employment Facility (IFE)

Conventions & Agreements

Signature of the financing agreement for the ''Usine Ecole Pilote 4.0'' project co-financed by the KFW subsidiary, the Investment for Employment Facility (IFE). The project covered by this grant, which is supported by the EuroMed University of Fez, aims to construct and equip an innovative training center dedicated to industry 4.0.  

On July 2, 2024, the Investments for Employment Facility, represented by its General Director Ms. Anke AFFLERBACH, and the EuroMed University of Fez (UEMF), represented by its President Mr. Mostapha BOUSMINA, signed a grant agreement for an amount of 37.58 million DH (€3.51 million) for the implementation of the new “Pilot School Factory 4.0” project. At the end of its first three years of operation, this project will enable the training of 585 graduates and the strengthening of the skills of more than 1,100 professionals, with the creation of 541 new jobs.  

Mobilizing a total investment of nearly 53.2 million DH (€4.97 million), including a contribution from the IFE of 70% and an own contribution from the UEMF of 30%, the project to create this new training center constitutes the second phase of the “Fez Smart Factory” project which is supported by the EuroMed University of Fez in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Digital Development Agency, the Fès-Meknes Regional Council, the Fès-Meknes Branch of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises and the Alten Delivery Center Maroc Company. The creation of this innovative training center is part of the national strategy aimed at establishing a new generation of training establishments, making it possible to support the digital transformation of the Moroccan industrial fabric and meet expectations. private operators wishing to adapt to the era of industry 4.0.  

Thus, thanks to the investments that will be made as part of the project which should be operational from September 2026, professionals in the industrial sector of the Fez-Meknes Region and young future beneficiaries will have access to cutting-edge training, with very technological solutions. advances and personalized support to help them meet the challenges of industry 4.0. 

In terms of initial training, the center will have a capacity to accommodate 240 teaching places per year, with one-year diploma training (professional license) targeting graduates of professional training or higher education in higher technician level (Bac + 2). 

This signing ceremony was marked by the participation of representatives of local authorities and the Fès-Meknes Regional Council, the German Embassy in Rabat, the Director of the KfW Office in Morocco, the CGEM Fès-Meknes and heads of external services. 

A first financing agreement in a long series to come 

The first call for projects launched in Morocco by the IFE in 2023 was a notable success, with several other pre-selected projects currently in the final due diligence phase. New funding grants will be signed starting next September.   

Note that a 2nd call for projects was launched by the IFE from May 15 to July 1, 2024, the evaluation process of which is currently underway.
