Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU)

Registration open Apply now

Why choose EMADU?

See more details on the design sector


- Benefit from international level training provided by teacher-researchers from UEMF, the architecture department of the University of Florence, and partner institutions (ENSAD and Polytechnic University of Madrid).

- Acquire a double degree delivered by the UEMF and the University of Florence.

- Evolve in a multicultural and multidimensional environment with students from diverse origins: Europe, MENA Zone, Africa, etc. and international educational and administrative supervisors.

-Master at least 2 languages ​​in addition to the mother tongue Certification (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, etc.)

-Live an international experience 12 months of academic mobility at the University of Florence and 6 months within partner institutions which will allow you to acquire a rich cultural experience, a valued curriculum and a relational network essential to your future professional career.

-Acquire expertise in Heritage Conservation by benefiting from the world-renowned know-how of the University of Florence.
Students will, among other things, have the chance to get involved in rehabilitation and restoration projects of the heritage of the iconic city of Fez, a true living laboratory.

-Thrive in a pleasant and unique working environment in Morocco. The UEMF Eco-campus, meeting international standards, allows students to learn in the best conditions (sports infrastructure, bank, bookstore, pharmacy, mini-market and other residential services, library, catering, development center transfers and professional integration, start-up incubator etc.)

-Take advantage of the strong involvement in the life of the establishment, institutions, local authorities, large Euro-Mediterranean architectural firms: internships, joint projects and professional integration.

-Become able to better contribute to the design and organization of the living space of the 21st century citizen, while respecting quality and environmental standards.


Diversified outlets

The winner, Architect, Designer or Urban Planner will have access to employment in diverse fields (non-exhaustive list):

  • International and Euro-Mediterranean organizations and institutions
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Public works companies)
  • Real estate development companies
  • Industry and craft centers
  • Administrations and local authorities
  • Study and consulting firms
  • Heritage preservation organizations
  • Historic monument restoration organizations
  • Landscaper
  • Teaching and Research


Conditions of admission:

- Hold the General S, ES baccalaureate (Morocco, France, or equivalent)
1st Registration Session
- Submission of file before the date mentioned on the site (form to download from
- Study of file ( Pre-selection)
- Competition

  • Written Test (MCQ and dissertation)
  • Oral Test
  • Motivational interviewing