Statutes and Organization Chart

UEMF statutes:

The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) is established as a non-profit association (according to the Dahir of 1958), taking the name of Foundation. It enjoys the status of Public Utility and is placed under the High Honorary Presidency of His Majesty the King, Mohammed VI.

The UEMF is labeled by the Union for the Mediterranean with the support of its 43 member countries. It is recognized by the State, all its training courses are accredited and it issues national diplomas.

The UEMF has legal personality and financial, administrative, educational, scientific and cultural autonomy. The UEMF headquarters is located on its campus, Route de Meknès, Rondpoint BENSOUDA, 30 000, Fez, Morocco.  


Governance Bodies


The Governance and Management bodies are:

  1. The general Assembly
  2. The Orientation, Monitoring and Development Council (COSD) also called the Board of Directors (CA)
  3. The Chancellor
  4. The Foundation Office
  5. The President of the University
  6. The University Council
  7. The Scientific Council 
  8. The Management Committee
  9. The Coordination Committee