Registration and tuition fees 2024-2025

Registration open Apply now

Tuition fees for new enrollees for the 2024-2025 academic year


A 5% reduction is granted to non-scholarship students, who pay the full Tuition Fees upon registration before September 2


* : The first tranche of registration fees for the health center (faculty of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy) is due before Friday July 26, 2024  . Please ensure you make payment before this date to guarantee your registration.



   Course / Year of study



(in DH)*



1time   slice

2th  slice

3th slice

(in DH, payable before  
THE  2/9/2024)

(in DH, payable before  
THE  2/9/2024)*

(in DH, payable before  
THE 31/12/2024)

(in DH, payable before  
THE 31/3/2025)

Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

1time & 2nd Preparatory Years and 1st Year Engineering Cycle

63 220,00


18 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

2th & 3rd Years Engineering Cycle

78 220,00

23 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00


63 220,00

18 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

Euromed School  
of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU)

Design License

58 220,00


23 220,00

15 000,00

15 000,00

Architecture, Master

78 220,00

23 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

Euromed Institute of Legal Sciences and  
Policies (IEMSJP)

License and Master

63 220,00


18 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

Euromed Business School (EBS)

1time, 2nd and 3rd Years  PGE

63 220,00


18 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

4th and 5th Years PGE

78 220,00

23 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

Master M1 and M2

78 220,00

23 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FSHS)


48 220,00


18 220,00

15 000,00

10 000,00


58 220,00

23 220,00

15 000,00

15 000,00


School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence  

1time &  2nd Years  Preparatory  and 1st year Engineering Cycle

63 220,00



18 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

2nd & 3rd Years Engineering Cycle

78 220,00

23 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

BiomedTech engineering school (EIB)

1time & 2nd Year Preparatory

68 220,00


23 220,00

20 000,00

20 000,00

1time , 2nd & 3rd Year Engineering Cycle

83 220,00

28 220,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

Euromed Faculty of Pharmacy (FEP)

1er cycle (1st and 2nd year )

103 220,00


30 220,00

34 000,00

34 000,00

2th    cycle ( 3rd  to 6th year )

118 220,00

37 220,00

38 000,00

38 000,00

Euromed Faculty of Medicine (FEM)

1er cycle (1st year and 2nd year )

103 220,00


30 220,00

34 000,00

34 000,00

2th    cycle ( 3rd  to 6th year )

118 220,00

37 220,00

38 000,00

38 000,00

Euromed Faculty of Dentistry (FMD)

1er cycle (1st year and 2nd year )

103 220,00


30 220,00

34 000,00

34 000,00

2th    cycle (3rd to 6th year )

118 220,00

37 220,00

38 000,00

38 000,00

Faculty of Nursing Sciences and Health Technology (FSITS)

Versatile Nurse, Anesthesia Intensive Care Nurse,  
Laboratory techniques, Radiology techniques

35 220,00


12 220,00

10 000,00

10 000,00

Speech therapy, Psychomotor skills, Dietetics Nutrition

48 220,00

15 220,00

15 000,00

15 000,00



Information regarding all students (New and Returning)


* : The amount below includes the annual subscription fees for the Sports Complex and its annexes, as well as the fees for the “Cambridge Prism” books for certification in English. These fees, non-refundable, are due at the latest upon payment of the first installment and do not benefit from the 5% reduction in the event of full payment.


[1] The Miscellaneous Fees of 1020 DH are not included in the tuition fees and are non-refundable. The same goes for Competition fees. Competition Fees only apply to new students.


[2] The Competition Fee of 700 DH for the Engineering and Architecture poles on the one hand and the Human Sciences pole on the other hand are payable once the candidate is declared admitted to the competition, at the administrative registration.

          The Competition Fee of 1,500 DH for the health center (the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy) are payable before the competition.


[3] The Registration Fee (for new students) and Re-registration Fee (for returning students) of 5,000 DH are not refundable in the event of cancellation of registration, withdrawal or withdrawal or abandonment.


[4] Students in the graduation year must pay the Graduation Ceremony Fee in the amount of 1000 DH payable with the last installment.


Download Act of commitment ING & ARCHI Divisions - SHS / EIDIA-EPS-EIB-EMADU-FSHS-EBS-ISJP,FSITS  to print on a single double-sided sheet 

Download Act of commitment Pôle Santé / FEM-FEP-FMD  to print on a single double-sided sheet