The Man with an artificial heart: from fiction to reality By Pr. Wajih MAAZOUZI

Conference cycle
Euromed University of Fez

Ensuring the survival of a human being thanks to replacement therapy certainly represents the most exciting epic of biomedical science of the century which has just passed and probably decades to come, both in terms of its technological and therapeutic exploits and by its ethical implications. Recounting this extraordinary undertaking depicts a journey to the extreme, from prevention to the final solution of replacing the failing heart.

Beyond the pharmacological panoply pushed to the molecular level, the exploratory cardiology which insinuates itself into the most intimate anatomy and function of the organ, the interventional one which dilates, unclogs or reshapes, as well as the organ, tissue or cell transplant surgery, the limits are one day reached. They then justify the development of assistance or replacement devices, temporary or permanent, extracorporeal or implantable. Their history, their failures and their successes challenge the medical profession as well as the scientific community and the public authorities at a time when medical progress does not necessarily rhyme longevity with quality. Can they also challenge Moroccan research, and can the great multinational vessel for the development of the artificial heart hope one day to fly the Moroccan flag?


Doctor of Medicine
Professor of Cardiac Surgery
