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Under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco, a country of emigration, transit and immigration, continues to express its commitment to integrated migration management which takes into consideration the aspirations citizens to dignity, economic development, peace and stability.

In 2013, Morocco adopted a new migration policy which provides for programs aimed at the successful integration of migrants and refugees in Morocco by guaranteeing them access to basic social services in areas as important as education, culture, youth, health, social assistance, employment and professional training.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Morocco has faced new migratory realities, and has gradually transformed itself from a land of student emigration into a country of reception and transit for thousands of migrants, who form a composite group. refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers, but also foreign students.

Thousands of foreign students mainly from 151 countries live in Morocco.

Their number has continued to increase for years, going from around 6,000 students at the start of the 2000s to around 20,000 currently, an average annual increase of 10%. The number of African students enrolled in Moroccan higher education establishments has also seen sustained growth in recent years.

85% of foreign students in Morocco are of African origin. This presence is explained by the active policy of the Kingdom towards brotherly and friendly African states. This increase is also due to the diversified offer of the Kingdom's higher education system and the specificities of international student mobility facilitated by the cooperation policy. 

The UEMF is part of the policy pursued by the Kingdom and is developing several actions for better integration of foreign students, particularly African ones: missions in Africa, reception, orientation, scholarships, housing assistance, etc.