Porous nanomaterials for catalysis


Porous nanomaterials for catalysis

Description of the subject

The NANOMAT team from the Euromed University of Fez (A. El Kadib) and the TCEP team from the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (S. Royer), are jointly launching a jointly supervised doctoral thesis. The thesis subject concerns the development of new organicinorganic hybrid nanomaterials and their use in the field of catalysis and adsorption. The thesis work is located at the interface of organic and inorganic chemistry and concerns the design of divided, multifunctional solids with controlled porosity, for the production of green hydrogen, the synthesis of ammonia and its storage, the sequestration and transformation of CO2, etc.

The two teams are very complementary, and have to their credit several patents and publications related to the proposed subject. The student will thus evolve in a scientific environment of international level in the field of nanomaterials applied to the environment and energy, and will alternate his stays between France and Morocco.

The desired doctoral student must have solid knowledge in synthetic chemistry (organic, inorganic, hybrid) and advanced notions in nanomaterials and/or meso-structured hybrid materials. Additional notions in adsorption (kinetics and thermodynamics) and catalysis will be appreciated but not necessary. The candidate must demonstrate autonomy but also be able to work in a group, in an international environment. Organizational, communication and writing skills are required.

Candidates with a master's degree (Bac+5 or equivalent) in: organic chemistry, molecular and supramolecular chemistry, chemistry of polymers and macromolecules, chemistry of materials, nanomaterials are eligible.

Working conditions: The doctoral student will carry out his research work full-time according to the working hours in force at the Euro Med University of Fez and the University of Lille.

Applicant file: Curriculum vitae. Cover letter. End of studies project. Diplomas and Transcripts.

File to be sent by email to: a.elkadib@ueuromed.org before September 20, 2024 .

Teams “NANOMAT” Euromed University of Fez and “TCEP” University of Littoral Côte d’Opale
Prof. Abdelkrim El Kadib – Prof. Sébastien Royer