New international relations at a time of civilizational and cultural questioning

Description of the subject
Subject :

New international relations at a time of civilizational and cultural questioning

Brief description

It is clear today that the field of international relations is being profoundly disrupted by a kind of failure of global governance. Wars and conflicts are igniting the different regions of the planet, cybercrime is taking on dimensions never before known, the lack of confidence and uncertainty are gaining momentum within both great and small powers. How can the rise of these phenomena endanger the world order? How is it possible to rethink the balance of international relations, and establish a culture of risk that would be able to stem possible disasters? What tools are possible to understand the problems that compromise relations between countries around the Euro-Mediterranean and African areas? How can we ensure that this region, which has been a melting pot of great cultures and civilizations, can find the path to peace and contribute to shaping a new face of the world? By relying on various analytical paradigms, the thesis work to be carried out in relation to these questions and others is invited to highlight the issues and challenges facing international relations.

The profiles of candidates sought for registration in this field of study are those whose training (Master's level) in political and legal sciences has enabled them to acquire in-depth knowledge of the geopolitics of international relations, and the appropriation theoretical and practical tools likely to help unravel the mystery and complexity of these relationships.

Search conditions:

candidates are expected to carry out their research full-time within the structures of EUROMED University.

The application file consists of:

a CV, a letter of application, the thesis project, diplomas and transcripts. It must be sent by email to:

Thesis directors:

Prof. Abderrahman Tenkoul and Pr. Abderrahman Haddad