Grand final of the “Euromed Sustainable Impact Challenge” Hackathon: innovative but above all responsible projects

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The sessions of intense work and tailor-made coaching ended on a good note. Projects that compete in ingenuity and eco-responsible concepts were the subject of the grand final of this Hackathon co-organized between Euromed Business School and Royal Air Maroc.  

Applications, quizzes and different green solutions have been imagined by students from Euromed Business School (EBS) and the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA) to engage the customer in a travel process responsible aviation throughout the journey, from inspiration for a destination to the return home. The candidates for this competition were organized into ten teams. At the end of the Hackathon, the projects of three teams were recognized with prizes.

More than a simple opportunity to democratize the theme of CSR, the values ​​of RAM and UEMF, this Hackathon is a unique opportunity, of educational interest, allowing students to benefit from tutoring and support high-level executives and experts. 
