Visit of middle school students from GSU Jean de la Fontaine to the UEMF labs


As part of a partnership initiated by ME BROUETTE, Principal of GSU Jean de La Fontaine, 18 third-year students went to UEMF to discover the engineering profession via an on-site immersion in the specialized laboratories of the UEMF. 

Through this visit, the GSU aims to:

- Open the GSU to its environment (an objective that the GSU has set as part of its establishment project);

- To introduce sectors and professions, in particular engineering professions, particularly in civil engineering;

- Give meaning to learning (apply theoretical knowledge in mechanics).

In addition to discovering research, modeling and 3D printing infrastructures, the students also visited different chemistry and optics laboratories, etc. (all meeting international standards). 

They were thus able to discover for themselves the real working environment of future engineers and even got their hands dirty by creating bridge models.

This visit was supervised by science teachers: Ms. BEKKOURI, Mr. AIT OUAKRIM, Mr. KENZOU and Mr. LARAICHI from GSU Jean de la Fontaine, and by Mr. SAFOUANE (Vice-president of the UEMF), Mr. BENMOUSSA (Director of the School of Civil Engineering) and Ms. AKHRIF (Professor at the Euromed Institute of Technology).
