Management of technology, innovation and digital transformation in the University


Initiated by the Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) and its partner Koblenz Landau University (Germany), this workshop is intended to mutually study the innovation and digitalization processes of the University. 

At UEMF, the cultures of innovation and technology constitute one of the major pillars on which the University rests. This workshop is therefore an opportunity to implement more new digital projects, concrete and with high added value, and introduce an in-depth digital transformation with the objective of strengthening the position that the UEMF occupies from the outset (1st university platform digital technology and the first university to have created the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA) in Morocco and Africa).  

The collaboration with Koblenz Landau University (Germany) will allow the UEMF to align itself perfectly with contemporary concepts and to establish new systems such as:

- The dematerialization of procedures;
- The digitalization of learning platforms;
- Design thinking;
- Innovation of the university model (orientation towards a more efficient model);
- Optimization of resources…etc

