Webinar under the theme “Post-covid CSR”

Conference cycle
Zoom - Euromed University of Fez REIMAS

On the occasion of the launch of the Audencia Executive MBA training, the Euromed University of Fez, its Grande École de Commerce Euromed Business School - EuroMed University of Fez -Audencia and RIEMAS (Research Institute for Euro-Mediterranean and African Studies) are organizing a webinar on 11/10/2020 at 5:30 p.m. under the theme “post-covid CSR”.

This webinar will see the participation of 4 panelists:

  • Ms. Saadia Slaoui Bennani, vice-president of the CGEM and President of the “Responsible and corporate citizen” commission;
  • Mr. André Sobçzak, Associate dean for faculty and research / Chair Holder - Corporate social responsibility.
  •  Mr. Mohamed El Moueffak, Director of Audencia Executive MBA training at Euromed University in Fez;
  • Mr. Mickael Naulleau, Director - International MBAs, Audencia Nantes.

The debate will be moderated by Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi, former Ambassador of Morocco in Paris.

As a reminder, Euromed Business School, in association with Audencia Business School, is launching the “Audencia Executive MBA” program on Moroccan territory.

To access the webinar on the day, simply go to the following link -> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81018563825

Looking forward to meeting you again !
