The “Practical Workshops” of the FEMG and the EEMGC Master GEGE 1st year and GC 2nd year
The “Practical Workshops” of the FEMG and the EEMGC Master GEGE 1st year and GC 2nd year

As part of the practical illustration of the courses “Disturbed Natural Systems” & “Ecology and Sustainable Development”

Presentation by Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi of his book “the future of Europe is in the South”
Presentation by Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi of his book “the future of Europe is in the South”

Mr. Fathallah SIJILMASSI, former Ambassador of His Majesty the King and former Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) presented on Wednesday January 29, 2020 at the Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) his latest work entitled “The Future of Europe is to the South.

Round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking governance through the prism of the local”
Round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking governance through the prism of the local”

The Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) organized on Tuesday January 28, 2020, in collaboration with the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AVITEM), a round table around the theme “The territoriality of public action: Rethinking the governance through a local prism”.

Participation of the Euromed University of Fez in the Tamkine caravan of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region
Participation of the Euromed University of Fez in the Tamkine caravan of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region

The Euromed University of Fez participated in the Tamkine caravan of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region, organized by the Tamkine Foundation and taking place from January 8 to 11, 2020.

Prize for Best Oral Communication at the 4th International Congress

First Prize for Best Oral Communication at the 4th International Congress on “Liquid Effluent Treatment and Environmental Preservation” TELPE-2019 in Hammamet - Tunisia

EVALSUP International Conference

4th edition of the EVALSUP International Conference organized at ESTO (Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Oujda - Mohammed 1st University) on December 17 and 18, 2019 under the theme “higher education results: identification, measurement, evaluation and effects”.