The Mediterranean and climate change by HE Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Secretary General of the UfM

UEMF hosted a conference moderated by His Excellency Mr. Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).
The conference dealt with the theme of sustainable development: the Mediterranean and climate change in the presence of students and administrative bodies of the UEMF.

Visit of Ms. Charafat Afilal to the eco-campus of the Euromed University of Fez

Knowledge and skills transfer based on augmented and virtual reality for education, a new solution that marks a bright future in the world of distance learning.

[REIMAS] The importance of strengthening the role of women in Post-Covid recovery

The UEMF and its components Euromed Business School and RIEMAS (Research Institute for European, Mediterranean and African Studies) are organizing a webinar under the theme “The importance of strengthening the role of women in Post-Covid 19 recovery.

The UEMF carries the voice of women loud and clear

"Any society that moves forward is a society based on the inclusion of women in all areas, and any society that marginalizes its women, marginalizes not only half of its population, but also half of his competences." Pr. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez.

Switzerland and the UEMF support the scientific research and innovation hub in the spiritual city of the Kingdom

The Euromed University of Fez welcomed, on March 3, 2021, a Swiss delegation led by His Excellency the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Guillaume Scheurer, in the presence of representatives of the University, in particular the President of the University, Mr. Mostapha Bousmina.

Partnership project opportunity with Safran Aerosystem Morocco

Pr. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez, received the XXXXX Mr. Mostapha Kiddi, Managing Director of Safran Aerosystems Maroc at the UEMF eco-campus. This visit offered the opportunity to highlight a partnership project with the objective of pooling skills and boosting research and innovation and technology transfer by strongly involving our professor-researchers, our doctoral students and our engineers.