[EBS] How can Morocco attract Africans? subject of the round table as part of the UEMF African Week

As part of the African week organized by the Euromed University of Fez under the banner "Africa, Continent of the Future", the Euromed Business School, component of the UEMF, hosted a round table including objective is to support investment opportunities for Africans in Morocco and the facilities offered by the Kingdom in the field of business.

[IA] Signature of an agreement with ICESCO for the creation of a Chair entitled “Women in Science”

The Euromed University of Fez has just signed an agreement with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, ISESCO, on May 17, 2021, for the creation of a Chair entitled “Women in Science'' and more particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. This chair is granted to Prof. Maha Gmira, a specialist in Artificial Intelligence and who did her doctoral thesis at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, one of the world centers of excellence in artificial intelligence.  

Why the transformation of Global Value Chains is an opportunity for Morocco and Europe: by Pr. Hicham Sebti & Pr. Hafsa El Bekri

The COVID-19 crisis exposed the fragility of the traditional Global Value Chains (GVCs) model characterized by fragmented and globally distributed production processes. This disruption can be explained by structural and cyclical causes. The World Bank's World Development Report 2020 described a downturn in world trade and GVCs long before COVID-19. Many factors were already fostering a reorganization of GVCs, such as the rise of protectionist movements and ecological concerns, the increase in wage costs in emerging countries and the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies involving significant relocation and reshoring of industrial activities. By Hafsa EL BEKRI & Hicham SEBTI.

Digital initiatives in the digital age: organizational approaches and governance principles: By Pr. Othmane Benmoussa

As digital disruption penetrates our organizations in force in all sectors and segments of activity, the latter are mainly responding with all-out investments in this area. Nonetheless, recent research suggests that most of these efforts fail to meet or exceed expectations. What would be the reason(s) for this?

[Call for Application] Thesis Porous nanomaterials for the environment

The Molecular Chemistry and Functional Materials team of the Euromed University of Fez and the Hybrid Materials team (MATHYB) of the Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry Unit of the University of Lille are jointly launching a jointly supervised doctoral thesis. The thesis subject concerns the development of new organic-inorganic nanomaterials and their use in the field of adsorption and catalysis. The thesis work is located at the interface of organic and inorganic chemistry with environmental applications (sequestration of gaseous pollutants, heavy metals and industrial discharges).

[FSF] Visit of Mr. David GREENE Chargé d’affaires at the diplomatic mission of the United States in Morocco

Mr. David GREENE, Chargé d'affaires at the United States diplomatic mission in Morocco, as well as a delegation from the United States Embassy in Morocco visited the Euromed University of Fez as part of a visit to the site of the future Fez Smart Factory.