Signature of agreement between the UEMF and the CNDP
Signature of agreement between the UEMF and the CNDP

A cooperation agreement was signed between the UEMF and the CNDP, represented respectively by their presidents, Pr. Mostapha Bousmina and Mr. Omar Seghrouchni.

Huawei ICT Academy: worskshop at UEMF to stimulate the development of the ICT sector
Huawei ICT Academy: a series of workshops to stimulate the development of the ICT sector

Today, Huawei ICT Academy is setting up a learning, certification and employment program for the benefit of students, helping them to develop their talents in the fields of ICT to enable them to meet the demands of the sector in Morocco and internationally.
This university-business cooperation project involves higher education establishments, including UEMF, and aims to consider concrete solutions that cover the entire process of talent development, from course development and provision laboratory environment setup trainers, and talent certification, competition for employment in a wide range of technical areas, including routing and switching, storage, cloud, WLAN, cloud computing, Big Data, IoT and artificial intelligence.

“Current challenges of digital entrepreneurship in Morocco” by Ms. Saloua Karkri Belkziz

Ms. Saloua Karkri Belkziz, businesswoman and politician, went to the UEMF today to host a conference under the theme "Current challenges of digital entrepreneurship in Morocco". 

[Back to School] Back to school UEMF 2021/2022

The start of the school year at UEMF was this week, and it started with a vaccination campaign for the benefit of new students not yet vaccinated or partially vaccinated.

[COMPETITION] 1st edition of the EMADU National Prize #Biyen_Liya, by the Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning

The Euromed School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning at the EuroMed University of Fez is launching the EMADU #Biyen_Liya PRIZE for Design in the following themes:
Industrial Design (Product Design, Medical, Automotive, Food, etc.) , Graphic Design, ArtiSign (Craft + Design), Gaming.

A partnership agreement between the UEMF and Pinnacle Teaching Solutions for the introduction of English-speaking teaching

The presidential and educational team of Euromed University of Fez today signed a partnership agreement with Pinnacle Teaching Solutions, experts in English language learning.