Autonomy, accountability and innovation: three necessary ingredients for robust growth: By Pr. Othmane Benmoussa

The societal change that has been taking place for several years now, combined with the repercussions of the health crisis and accentuated by the entry into the professional world of generation Y, questions the ideal positioning of the cursor for the right degree of autonomy and responsibility to be allocated to the teams.

Several questions arise: What if teams no longer focused on their know-how? How are decisions made to explore an idea, a concept? What about resources? How to mitigate risks related to innovation processes?

Pr. Bounou Salim and his team participate in the first edition of the ADVANCED COURSE ON CANCER BIOLOGY AND THERAPY organized by the Cancer Research Institute (IRC)

Pr. Bounou Salim and his team composed of professors El Kazzouli Said and Anissi Jaouad participated in the first edition of the ADVANCED COURSE ON CANCER BIOLOGY AND THERAPY organized by the Cancer Research Institute (IRC) and the Higher Institute of Biological and Paramedical Sciences (ISSB-P) of Benguerir, and which took place from October 20 to 23, 2021 in Marrakech.

The course is aimed at clinical oncologists, hematologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, pharmacists and biologists interested in molecular oncology.

The main objective was to offer an updated course on oncology and new therapeutic approaches by international and national speakers specializing in the field of precision oncology and molecular mechanisms.

The UEMF is one of the first 3 projects selected for the French-speaking Label for responsible innovation

The UEMF is one of the first 3 projects selected for the French-speaking Label for responsible innovation

Doctoral defense: Process Engineering

Doctoral defense in Science and Technology for Engineering by Ms. Fayrouz EL HAMDANI, under the theme:

Simulation and optimization of a CSP plant for coupling to a direct osmosis desalination process.

Protection of personal data, subject of the conference by Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, President of the CNDP

A conference on "The Protection of Personal Data in the Environment of People with Disabilities" was led by Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, president of the CNDP (National Commission for the Control of the Protection of Personal Data), within the University.

Protection of personal data, subject of the conference by Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, President of the CNDP

A conference on "The Protection of Personal Data in the Environment of People with Disabilities" was led by Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, president of the CNDP (National Commission for the Control of the Protection of Personal Data), within the University.