The Civil Engineering Hall, new to the Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)

Euromed Polytechnic School completes installation work on its new practical and research activity space “The Civil Engineering Hall”

[Entrepreneurship] Launch of the Blue Space incubator at UEMF: Open call for projects

An initiative resulting from a Public Private partnership concluded with Bank of Africa, the BlueSpace incubator is set up at the Euromed University of Fez (UEMF).

[EBS] Intervention by Pr. Hafsa El Bekri at the “6th Annual Meeting Africa Economic Zones Organization” in Ghana

On the occasion of the 6th Annual Meeting of AEZO (Africa Economic Zones Organization) organized in Accra, Ghana, Pr. Hafsa El Bekri, Professor of International Economics at Euromed Business School (EBS) had the opportunity to moderate , on November 25, 2021, a session under the theme: "Special Economic Zones supporting Regional Integration".

Prof. Mostapha Bousmina elected to the post of President of the African Science, Research and Innovation Council-ASRIC- which reports to the African Union (AU)

Professor Mostapha Bousmina, chancellor of the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology and president of the Euromed University of Fez, was elected this November 24, 2021, in Nairobi, Kenya with an overwhelming majority, president of the African Council for Science and Technology. of Research and Innovation (ASRIC) which comes under the African Union (AU).

The ICESCO Chair “Arts, Sciences and Civilizations” is organizing a conference: “the world today facing uncertainty: what role for culture in the construction of new thinking about humanity? »

Since the signing of the agreement to create the ICESCO chair for arts, sciences and civilizations within the Euromed University of Fez, the University once again welcomes its partner ICESCO: the Islamic World Organization for Education, Sciences and Culture for another meeting, this time focusing on a conference around the theme: “the world facing uncertainty: what role does culture play in rethinking the journey towards humanity? ".

[Seminar] 2D materials: an architecture for desired properties

Professor Mohamed Siaj, holder of a doctorate at the University of Laval (Canada) in "2D Materials based science" presented a seminar around the theme of 2D materials.