Pr. Hajar Chourak highlights the importance of learning the Spanish language

Doctor in linguistics and translation, Professor and Coordinator of Spanish language and culture at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Pr. Haja Chourak underlines in her article published in the journal "Marruecom" the importance of learning the Spanish language and of mastery of translation at the UEMF level.

Official graduation ceremony in honor of UEMF graduating students

The official graduation ceremony in honor of UEMF graduating students took place this Monday, July 4 in the eco-campus of Euromed University in Fez. More than 700 graduates and 1,800 people took part in this flagship event of the University, which represents a moment of joy and pride and a new chapter in the lives of the laureates.

Grade promotion ceremony for Professors Othmane Benmoussa and Hicham Sebti

The graduation ceremony which took place on July 4 at the UEMF eco-campus was also an opportunity to celebrate the passage to the rank of qualified professor of professors Hicham Sebti and Othmane Benmoussa, Director of the Euromed Business School and Euromed Polytechnic School respectively. 

Kick-off of the 1st edition of the ArtiSign Academic Biennale in the historic site of Lalla Yeddouna

The School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (EMADU) of the Euromed University of Fez kicks off the 1st edition of the ArtiSign Academic Biennale. An event which takes place in the heart of the medina of Fez, a UNESCO world heritage site, from Thursday June 23 to Sunday June 26, mainly on the historic site of Lalla Yedouna.

Courtesy visit from HE Mr. Consul General of the United States of America to Morocco

As part of a courtesy visit, Prof. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez, received today His Excellency, Mr. Lawrence Randolph, Consul General of the United States of America in Morocco, accompanied by other representatives of the American consulate in Casablanca.

Visit of an official delegation from the Republic of Djibouti to the UEMF

Prof. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez, received today Mr. Nabil Mohamed Ahmed, Minister of Higher Education and Research of the Republic of Djibouti accompanied by His Excellency Mohamed Douhour Hersi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Djibouti in Morocco.