Automotive industry and new reconfigurations: 3 questions for expert Hicham Sebti

The Moroccan automobile industry is preparing for two new ecological and digital shifts. In an interview with MAP, Hicham Sebti, professor of Management Sciences and Director of Euromed Business School, echoes the prowess of this sector and explains the challenges that can enable Morocco to reposition itself in this new world order.

Ms. Najet Vallaud Belkacem: 2030 sustainable development goals: so far, so close?

The UEMF Conference Cycle continues with a theme linked to sustainable development objectives, a subject which constitutes the main focus of the UEMF, recently elected "Responsible Campus of the Year" during the ceremony organized in Paris, on Tuesday October 4, 2022, under the effective presidency of the Minister of Higher Education and Research of the French Government.

Workshop: "Project as caring - Making as healing" in Lalla Yeddouna/Médina of Fez

In collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Morocco, EMADU welcomes from October 24 to November 4 the International Designer Andrea Anastasio who leads the workshop "Project as caring - Making as healing" in Lalla Yeddouna/Medina of Fez.

Conference for the benefit of UEMF professors and doctoral students by Pr. Hassan Oulyadi

Invited by the UEMF health center, Mr. Hassan Oulyadi, professor at the University of Rouen, gave a conference entitled “Recent developments in NMR: access to the molecular understanding of reactivity”.

Competition for the admission of project leaders into the Fez Smart Factory Ecosystem incubator

The Fez Smart Factory Ecosystem is launching its first competition for the admission of the first project leaders into its industry 4.0-oriented incubator.

Pink October: everything you need to know about breast cancer

On the occasion of Pink October dedicated to breast cancer screening, the Euromed Business School and the health center of the Euromed University of Fez co-organized an awareness day in the presence of professors Mellas Nawfel, head of the department medical oncology at the Hassan II University Hospital in Fez and Banani Abdelaziz, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Hassan II University Hospital.