The UEMF has just been ranked (6th) in the HE Higher Education ranking 2023 edition
The UEMF has just been ranked (6th) in the HE Higher Education ranking 2023 edition

The certificate awarded is recognition of the exceptional commitment and excellence that Euromed University of Fez has demonstrated in maintaining a high level of teaching and research, and for its contribution to the advancement of knowledge and innovation.

“Liberalism, communism, fascism: introduction to the three political theories of modernity”: conference by Mr. Rachid ACHACHI

Rachid Achachi continues with his cycle of conferences at the Euromed University of Fez by hosting, on April 5, 2023, a conference entitled: “Liberalism, communism, fascism: introduction to the three political theories of modernity”.

Euromed University of Fez organizes a tour in honor of its foreign students
Euromed University of Fez organizes a tour in honor of its foreign students

A little over 500 foreign students, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, were invited on Monday April 3 by the president of the Euromed University of Fez to share the tour in a friendly and musical atmosphere hosted by the students themselves.

Job, career or goal? : Professor Othmane Benmoussa supports this subject on Medias24
Job, career or goal? : Pr. Othmane Benmoussa tackles this subject on Medias24

Each employee's goal varies, as does the approach leaders take to managing their people.

Pr. Mostapha BOUSMINA welcomes His Excellency Mr. the Ambassador of Switzerland Mr. Guillaume SCHEURER

On March 29, the President of the University received his Excellency, the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Guillaume SCHEURER, accompanied by Mrs. Christine PIRINOLI, Vice Rector of HES-SO, the largest specialized university in Switzerland, as well as other embassy officials. The Vice-Presidents of the University and the heads of establishments were also invited to this meeting, during which the two establishments were presented.

The UEMF receives a delegation from the French Embassy

A delegation from the French Embassy composed of Professor Gérald BRUN, head of the Higher Education Research and Student Mobility department and Ms. Marie PELATAN, university mission manager, was received on March 29 by the President of the University. After a brief presentation of the University, its components and the structuring teaching, research and development projects planned for the decade, a rich exchange followed, emphasizing in particular the opportunities for collaboration, both at the academic and cultural.