Rethinking the concept of Sovereignty: theme of Mr Rachid Achachi’s conference
Rethinking the concept of Sovereignty: theme of Mr Rachid Achachi’s conference

Mr. Rachid ACHACHI, Columnist at Luxe Radio and consultant in geopolitics, presents today, May 24, 2023, at the Euromed University of Fez to host a conference under the theme “Rethinking the concept of Sovereignty”, as part of the cycle of conferences that he leads within our University. 

Round table: The UN and the new world order
Round table: The UN and the new world order

The Euromed Institute of Legal and Political Sciences organized a round table on: The UN and the new world order, moderated by Mr. Said Azerkane, Doctor of Law, researcher in international relations and executive of the Ministry of the Interior.

 : tribune of Prof. OthmaneBenmoussa from the Euromed Polytechnic School on Medias24
Leadership and hybrid working mode: column by Prof. OthmaneBenmoussa from the Euromed Polytechnic School on Medias24

"In operating in hybrid professional mode, management must satisfy employees' desire for flexibility without compromising the overall efficiency of the group.
How can we implement a hybrid organization on a daily basis and get the most out of it?"

Practical civil engineering workshops
Practical civil engineering workshops

The practical construction workshops held by the Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS) in partnership with TGCC on May 13 and 20, 2023 for the benefit of 4th year civil engineering students focused on the progress of operations linked to the construction work. university extension buildings (football pitches, sports hall, Olympic swimming pool, R+7 administrative building, etc.), as well as on major progress relating to:

Visit of the Liberian Minister of Education and his delegation to the Euromed University of Fez
Visit of the Liberian Minister of Education and his delegation to the Euromed University of Fez

On Friday, May 19, Mr. Dao ANSU SONII, Minister of Education of the Republic of Liberia, visited the Euromed University of Fez. He was accompanied by a large delegation composed in particular of MM. Saku DUKULY, Secretary of State for Education, Robert YARSUO LORMIA, Ambassador, Theophilus A. SNORTON, Director of Scholarships; Samuel G. WILLIAMS, Coordinator/International Scholarships and Mrs. Sangay M. FREEMAN, Director of Scientific Education, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Enriching scientific outing at the Webhelp company in Fez
Enriching scientific outing at the Webhelp company in Fez

As part of the partnership between the UEMF and the Webhelp company, and in order to consolidate students' knowledge of HRM and the application of labor law rules, the Euromed Institute of Legal and Political Sciences organized an outing scientist for the benefit of his students at the Webhelp company in Fez.